I have a blog rating. Seriously, I typed my url into a website and they checked my blog and rated me G. I apparently mentioned death once, but other than that....we're good to go.
Status Updates on those of us whom you adore....
Tanner: Still coughing, but other than that feeling much better, behavior has been GOLDEN, quite possibly the cutest five year old in the history of ALL five year olds, feeling very cuddly this evening (he is sitting on my arm while I am trying to type)
Jeremy: Sore throat, risked his life and limb to drive in to work on icy roads this morning because he is a dedicated employee, continues to spoil me rotten cause he loves me, also continues to spoil Tanner rotten for the same reason, being missed a lot by his adoring wife.
Rocky: Leg still broken but no longer encased due to his own carnivorous appetite, second cutest puppy (according to my parents) in the entire world, feeling frisky and prancing around the living room.
Yours Truly: DYING. My chest hurts....well more accurately it burns. Lungs have been coughed up, large cold sore appearing on lip, feeling like ugliest creature on the face of the earth, grateful wonderful husband and adorable son still love me.
I want to move. I don't like Missouri anymore. I hate winter. And if I ever come across that groundhog....well, I can't say what I would do....cause we're tying to keep it G Rated.
But seriously, I am very ready for Spring and warm weather and sandals. I have had to wear actual shoes this winter. I do not enjoy having my toes restricted. Are you tired of winter too?
I finally took the time to figure out how to get pictures on the laptop. And joy of joys they cooperating and actually uploading! I hope you've enjoyed them! Well folks, it's time for some more mucinex, and some Tylenol cough and cold. And then it's bed time! Hey! Tomorrow is Friday!!!!!!!!!!!