Thursday, February 21, 2008

EVERYONE is welcome!

I have a blog rating. Seriously, I typed my url into a website and they checked my blog and rated me G. I apparently mentioned death once, but other than that....we're good to go.

Status Updates on those of us whom you adore....

Tanner: Still coughing, but other than that feeling much better, behavior has been GOLDEN, quite possibly the cutest five year old in the history of ALL five year olds, feeling very cuddly this evening (he is sitting on my arm while I am trying to type)

Jeremy: Sore throat, risked his life and limb to drive in to work on icy roads this morning because he is a dedicated employee, continues to spoil me rotten cause he loves me, also continues to spoil Tanner rotten for the same reason, being missed a lot by his adoring wife.

Rocky: Leg still broken but no longer encased due to his own carnivorous appetite, second cutest puppy (according to my parents) in the entire world, feeling frisky and prancing around the living room.

Yours Truly: DYING. My chest hurts....well more accurately it burns. Lungs
have been coughed up, large cold sore appearing on lip, feeling like ugliest creature on the face of the earth, grateful wonderful husband and adorable son still love me.

I want to move. I don't like Missouri anymore. I hate winter. And if I ever come across that groundhog....well, I can't say what I would do....cause we're tying to keep it G Rated.

But seriously, I am very ready for Spring and warm weather and sandals. I have had to wear actual shoes this winter. I do not enjoy having my toes restricted. Are you tired of winter too?

I finally took the time to figure out how to get pictures on the laptop. And joy of joys they cooperating and actually uploading! I hope you've enjoyed them! Well folks, it's time for some more mucinex, and some Tylenol cough and cold. And then it's bed time! Hey! Tomorrow is Friday!!!!!!!!!!!

8 hugs and kisses:

momndad said...

Sorry to hear you are not feeling well.
I am also very glad to see that the Gateway actually CAN display photos as earlier alleged.
It is now obvious from the photos that Tanner is the world's greatest grandson. The evidence is in!
Tanner's Papa is about to become a senior pastor. Scary stuff . . .
Sadly, we are moving even farther away from Starbucks!

Buffie said...

I know that momndad will not like this idea, but if you want to get away from winter Tennessee is a good choice. If they get snow it is just a dusting, of course everything closes. I am of corurse refering to Knoxville.

momndad said...

momndad don't like this idea!

Anonymous said...

Tanner has my vote for world's greatest 5 year old, for sure. He is too cute, Jules. I just wish we lived closer so our cutie pies could play together, they were a hoot last time they got the hang out! Bear can say so much....No is not one of my favorites...but it is a word on his list of vocabulary. guys could always get the frappichino's from the store or the gas stations....not the same I know, but it's better than nothin.

Anonymous said...

OH you took the job!!!!! YAY!!! When does it start I need details, oh just call me! Nevermind I'll call you.

Anonymous said...

By the way, I really love those shots of the ice on the branches...very cool photography skills there, hun.

For a bit of useless information....did you know that you can apply for free breast implants? Go to I saw this on the tyra banks show. You blog and people send you money.

I wish they had one for my free brazillion booty surgery. Ha ha.

Buffie said...

Who says that you have to use the money for a boob job? Just say that is what you are using it for and then do whatever you want with it.

Does anyone want to help me? Mark has the flu, Sierra-Lynn has an ear infection and a cold, and Jackson is teething with a cold. I think that I am coming down with a cold. I know for sure that I am exhausted. HELP, SOMEONE, ANYONE!!!!!!!!

Tanner may be the cutest 5 year old boy, but Sierra-Lynn is the cutest 5 year old girl.

Buffie said...

how did you find out what your blog was rated?