Sunday, June 01, 2008

Dear Tanner,

Yesterday was a big day for you....a proud day for me. Your preschool graduation made me realize how very quickly time flies. It seems like just yesterday that I was able to hold you in my arms without you wanting to wriggle free. Now, you are too full of energy to be held for long. Hugs are quick...though no less wonderful. You have learned so much in the last year. You can count to thirty, and write your ABC's. You can spell and write your name. You know your phone number and address. You have your first best friend. You love to make up silly songs, and your imagination is nothing short of amazing. The stories you tell make me laugh. You are full of life and love and laughter. I am so blessed to be your Mommy. Although I am a little sad that time has gone so quickly, I am excited to see what Kindergarten and beyond will bring for you...I am also a little scared.

I realize that you have to be able to go out into the world, to be free to make your own mistakes...and learn from them. It terrifies me to know that I won't always be right by your side to protect you from all the things in the world that I never want you to see. Yet, I know that you will be fine...more than fine, really. You will be as amazing as you are now, and that gives me comfort. After we tucked you in last night, your Daddy and I were talking about how fast you are growing up, and about how very proud of you we are. Despite all of our flaws and the many mistakes that we have made, and will inevitably continue to make, you are perfect in every way to us! We love you more than anything.

2 hugs and kisses:

momndad said...

I couldn't help noticing that Tanner was the cutest graduate there that day!
I think he is the most "clever kid" of all.

Anonymous said...

I completely agree!!! Do you think we are biased?