Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Notorious Mr. Bradshaw

Do you all know my husband? I know you've met him, perhaps even conversed with him, but have I ever really "introduced" him to all of you. Jeremy, who will be thirty one years young in a week, is from a tiny town north of Springfield. Most of his family are farmers and avid hunters...I call them rednecks, they don't seem to mind. He has a sister who is ten years younger than him and they didn't really get close until the last four years or so. He is extremely intelligent, wickedly funny, endlessly patient and my best friend.

Jeremy came into my life at a time when I desperately needed to laugh. I had been, well, in a funk for over a year. I had very little to smile about in March of 2001 when we first met. 2000 had been a rough year on me, and the beginning of 2001 was no better. His easy laugh and light-heartedness proved to be therapeutic in a way. We started dating in May of that year. It was a bit of a "whirl-wind" romance if you were on the outside looking in. But Jeremy was so open about his life and so easy to get to know that by the time he asked me to marry him in December, I knew everything I needed to know. I said "yes" without hesitation. We were married the following May, a year to the day from our first date.

I have often wondered how he puts up with all of my little nuances. He spoils me rotten and humors me when no one else will. We have shared dreams, fears, laughs, and tears. I feel, sometimes, like we have been together forever, yet we never run out of things to talk about. We were having a conversation the other night and it turned to both of our pasts, and the fact that everything we had gone through had somehow brought us together. I don't think either of us had ever really thought of it that way before. It has made me appreciate him even more...even his um...less gifted moments. Here is a conversation between myself and my best friend, whom I love more than life itself:

Scene: Jeremy and I are standing in the back yard looking at the trees that we have just planted. The leaves look a bit fried.

Jeremy: Do you think we should pull the leaves off??

Me: No honey, just leave them alone and let the poor things heal, they just went through a windstorm. The leaves will come off in the winter.

Jeremy: (after a long pause) You think we should pull them off this winter?

Ah yes, that's the man I love for you. He can do long division in his head, is very handy around the house, does my laundry, and is the best father in the world. When you're that wonderful, do you really need to remember that the leaves fall off the trees in Autumn?? I think not.

0 hugs and kisses: