Thursday, July 17, 2008

PANIC...and Chicken pox!!!!!!!!!

Today, I received my second heart stopping call in my journey of motherhood. It was 4:44 p.m...about 30 minutes before I go and pick up Tanner, when the phone next to my desk rang. Only two people call on this phone. Babs always sends me an instant message before she calls so that just left Tanner's teacher Sabra. It was indeed her. Our conversation went something like this.

Sabra: Hi Juli, it's Sabra. How are you today.

Me: Oh, I'm really good, I'm glad the day is almost over.

Sabra: Me too. I was just calling to see if Tanner's ok.

Me: (confused) What do you mean??

Sabra: Well, he's not here today, so we just wanted to make sure he was feeling alright.

Me: (10 times more confused than before) What??

Sabra: (silence)

Me: (heart stopping and dropping into floor, bile rising in throat and hands shaking) What do you mean he's not there???

Sabra: Ummmmm....well maybe he is here today and I just haven't seen him. I had to teach the three year old class today.

Me: (Panic taking over every ounce of my body and desperately trying not to scream or cry) Can you please check right now and let me know.

Sabra: Yes...............(LOOOOOOOOOONG PAUSE while she checks)............................................. Oh Juli, I am so sorry, he's here.

I don't really remember the rest of the conversation, I just know that I hung up, and bowed my head on my desk and sobbed for ten minutes. Then I threw up. I have never been so frightened in my entire life, I honestly felt my world stopping. After I had collected myself and washed my face, I went and got my son who is now sitting next to me on the couch where he belongs. He is fine, I am fine...WE are fine. Although, I am not quite sure if the spots that have appeared on his tummy and back are a LOT of bug bites or the beginning of chicken pox. Heaven help me, I don't know if I can take another panic attack this week. Pray for my sanity folks, I just might need it.

UPDATE*******It is DEFINITELY chicken pox...I need my Mommy.

5 hugs and kisses:

Buffie said...

You have my prayers.

I don't know what I would have done in that situation. I'm glad he's okay.

P.S. Everyone can view my blog again. Dee Dee was having trouble logging in so I opened it back up.

momndad said...

Sorry you had to have such a scare due to someone's irresponsible phone call.
I am glad there was no emergency. Both of you will actually survive chicken pox! I promise!

doodle said...

Bless your heart. On both accounts.

momndad said...

In 2006 there were 83 posts.
In 2007 there were 63 posts.
That is a 25% decrease in the number of post annually.
So far, in 2008, the year over half completed, there have been 21 posts. Based on that rate at 33% decrease is predicted for the current year.
Notice a trend here???

Anonymous said...

It's because the older Tanner gets the more attention he requires. Do you have any idea how fast a five year old can scale a refrigerator??? Be nice to me, my puppy is dying!