Saturday, July 26, 2008


I slept in today. Tanner slept in today. Jeremy slept in today AND is staying home from work. We decided that we needed one day that we could spend together after our really horrible week. It is 12:30 and we are just now stirring.

Our tally of "Lost" Items stands as thus:

Our beautiful girls Chloe and Nugget whom we will miss more than we can say.

For those of you who I haven't talked to this week, our outside dogs got Parvo within the last two weeks or so. We noticed Chloe wasn't feeling well on Friday of last week, we immediately isolated her and began treating her, but Monday morning at about 1:00 AM she passed. As we doctored Chloe this weekend, we kept a close eye on our other dog Nugget, Tanner's golden lab. Monday night we noticed the first symptoms. Both she and our new puppy Truffles went to the vet on Tuesday to be tested. Truffles tested negative, Nugget did not. She fought hard as did we, but we lost her yesterday morning at 6:20. Tanner is devastated. Mommy and Daddy are heartsick.

Which brings us to the next three "lost" items.

Sleep...countless hours of it. One of us was up every hour giving medicine. And if we weren't on medicine duty, then we were still up, fretting.

Tears...Lots and lots of them. Parvo is terribly debilitating, and it happens so quickly.

Our it wasn't going anyway

And the final thing that makes our list of things lost this week is....ALL of our fish. All four of them died last night, or this morning. We're not really sure when it happened. In short, it's been one of THOSE weeks.

Today is our day of rejuvenation. We're going to play and cuddle and soak in all the love that we can possibly give each other. Tomorrow we can go back to everything else that waits for us, but today...we heal.

1 hugs and kisses:

Buffie said...

I am so sorry for the week that you had. And I thought that my week was bad. We had to take Sierra-Lynn to the dr., she broke out in these little red spots all over. It turned out to be a horrible case of strep and a body of hives.