Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Tee Pees, Rhymes, and Humilation

Tonight was Kindergarten Family Fun night at Tanner's school. The three of us got there early not really knowing what to expect. The learning began immediately. I learned that I am failure in the arts and craft department after a sad attempt at making a tee pee out of a paper plate. Tanner's tee pee turned out well. Then we moved on to making a place mat. Tanner glued some leaves, apples and a turkey on a piece of construction paper that will be laminated and sent home for him to use. It was looking really good until Jeremy decided that it was missing something and drew a target on the turkey, with a voice bubble saying "ouch".

While we were adding the finishing touches to the place mat, Tanner's teacher came in the room. Tanner ran up and gave her a big hug and announced loudly, "My Mom wants to know if you're pregnant." I'm not sure who was more surprised, her or me. After dying of embarrassment a few times, I managed to pick my jaw up off the floor and apologize. I was actually not in the least bit curious whether or not his teacher was the way, she's not. Thanks Tanner.

Next we went and read a Thanksgiving story to Tanner and then he showed us how they do the reading tests on the computer. We read Clifford's Thanksgiving Trip, and Tanner wowed us with his computer skills and scored 100%.

After that, we played some pattern matching games and rhyming games. They haven't worked on rhyming skills yet this year, and we had some comical results. At first Tanner wanted to put things that were similar together, like the coat and tie. After we explained how the game worked I pointed to a picture and he exclaimed "FROG". The next picture I pointed at was a dog. Tanner saw it and yelled "Chihuahua!!" Yeah, there's a skill we need to work on.

Anyway, despite my less than spectacular craft attempt, Tanner's ability to embarrass me horribly, Jeremy's redneck place mat, and our lack in rhyming ability we had a good time. We all agreed that Family Fun Night was fun and that six year old boys should be seen...and not heard.

4 hugs and kisses:

Deanna said...

Okay, I giggled loudly when I read this post. Did his teacher say anything at all to you?? lol, oh Tanner is too cute. I miss the little guy. Give him hugs from nephew Chauncy and myself!

Anonymous said...

She was very gracious...more than she needed to be really. Of course she weighs like 95 pounds. Hopefully she's not sitting at home right now looking in the mirror wondering if she's getting fat. I would have gone home and cried.

Buffie said...

Too funny.

Just so you know it's not just six year old boys that should be seen and not heard, it's all 6 year olds.

Unknown said...

That is soooo funny. I love it! A classic Mommy moment. What a charmer. Love to all.