Thursday, January 22, 2009

Photo Phun :o)

Do you ever feel like you blinked and missed something? I looked at my calendar this morning and realized that January is almost gone! Um...when did THAT happen? So far 2009 is off to a great start, with the exception of the passing of Jeremy's Uncle Kent. Tanner got back into the groove of things with school. We've challenged him to NOT get an "N" in the "Controls Talking" section of his report card. Ok, so challenged might not be the right word...bribed is more like it. We've offered up a new game for his Gameboy. I'm not sure yet if it will work...he is very social. I am adjusting to the team changes at work. It's been a little stressful, but I'm handling it. Jeremy has been working and training his dogs. He is bound and determined that they will hunt birds. My goal for February is to steal his bright orange hat...and burn it.

In the "learning" arena, I have been working some more on the photography hobby. I don't have Photo Shop, but a friend did point me in the direction of a program called Photoscape. I love it. I've been busy snapping pics left and right. I even finished an online digital photography course. I thought I'd share some of the better pics I took. Hey, at least you can't say I didn't blog!!

3 hugs and kisses:

Buffie said...

Photography suits you, those are good, especially the ones of you.

Wanted to let you know that I'm really liking your new background, there is a slight problem. The flowers are the same color as your lettering, so what you wrote can't be read. Just thought I'd let you know.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, that's weird. On my screen the flowers are over to the left of the lettering. Are they under the lettering on yours? I'll have to look into that. Anyone else having that problem??

Buffie said...

They kind of overlap the lettering.