Saturday, March 07, 2009

The Grill Incident...and Other Ramblings.

Today, at 1:00 pm, I officially began my mini-vacation. I have no real plans, and, I think I am very ok with that. Tanner is on Spring Break next week, so Monday and Tuesday will be totally devoted to "Mommy-Tanner time". I'm hoping that I will be able to get out and take some pictures. If I do, expect to see them posted here very soon.

I am Spring fever, people. BIG TIME. I've never been a huge fan of winter. Everything about it is just generally depressing. I am ready for the trees to start budding and for the flowers to begin blooming. This warm weather the last couple of days has made me even more anxious. Yesterday, Tanner and I spent some time in the sunshine. I got a little crispy, but it was worth it.

Jeremy had a great first week at United Healthcare. Already, I can see how much he is loving the stress free environment. I really think he will like it there, and he has opportunity to move up in the company in ways that Chase didn't offer. The best part has been telling Tanner every night that Daddy would be home WAY before he went to bed.

We made this afternoon relaxing family time. We played outside a bit, watched a movie, took a little nap and had our very first cook out of 2009. I've been jonesing for a blackened hot dog. It was a bit windy so Jeremy closed the lid on the grill. We wouldn't want to catch the deck on fire, or anything. He opened it to check on the fire...BAD things, people, BAD THINGS. Jeremy is fine, but he is sporting significantly less facial hair...especially in the eyebrow/eyelash region. It's ok to laugh. After I knew he wasn't going to have to stop, drop, and roll, I yucked it up a little. The burgers and hot dogs were delicious anyway, and now he has a "war story" to share.

What did YOU do today? Anything exciting? Share with me. I really do want to know.

0 hugs and kisses: