Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A is for...

A is for Arno. The place where my grandparents lived and, as such, one of my favorite places. I loved spending weeks there in the summer. It is also, according to Paul Harvey, the one place on earth you could hide a body and get away with it. True story.

A is for Alfreda. My grandmother, my angel. I miss her every single day.

A is for acting which, at one time, I truly wanted to do. My awesome parents even paid for lessons. That lasted about as long as the dream to be an interior decorator or a meteorologist. I was flighty back in the day.

A is for American Idol. I truly enjoyed this last season right up until they announced the winner. I think I have watched my last episode. My one consolation is that I'm sure Adam Lambert will be a huge star and Kris Allen will fizzle.

A is for Amazon or, for those of you who wonder why I am bringing up the rain forest, I adore this website and order more books from there than anyplace else. I would be lost without it.

And speaking of books, A is also for audio books. They make my work day easier to deal with. I especially love the Harry Potter audio books. Jim Dale is an amazing narrator. If you haven't heard them yet, I highly recommend it.

And last but not least, A is for age. Mine is 29...and HOLDING! ;o)

2 hugs and kisses:

momndad said...

A is for airheaded, the first synonym listed in the dictionary under "flighty"
Others include:
Synonyms: airheaded, birdbrained, bubbleheaded, capricious, changeable, dingbat, dingdong, dizzy*, effervescent, empty-headed, featherbrained*, frivolous, gaga, giddy, harebrained*, impetuous, impulsive, inconstant, lightheaded, lively, mercurial, scatterbrained, silly, thoughtless, twit, unbalanced, unstable, unsteady, volatile, whimsical, wild

So, "in the day" you were "birdbrained", "bubbleheaded", "dingbat", "dingdong","unbalanced", "unstable"?

I'm simply trying to clarify what you meant by "flighty"? :)

Juli said...

I was going more for the capricious, changeable or erratic side of flighty. I'd never call myself a twit...although as I get older I find myself a little unbalanced :)