Monday, May 18, 2009

Testing, Testing, one...two...

Is this thing on (tap tap tap)? Time flies, FLIES. I had planned on posting more blog entries in April. April, however, apparently fell into a black hole of lost time, because I only managed to get one post finished...and it was a youtube video. Forgive my absence. It was not intentional.

I'm sure that many of you are waiting, with bated breath, to hear what exciting things the Bradshaw's have been up to the last month or so. I wish I had lots of exciting stories for you, but sadly, we were just busy with normal day to day "stuff": working, helping with homework, working, housework, more get the idea. I have recently decided that I need to sloooooow down, take more time to stop and smell the roses, and just breathe. So I am back to express myself, enjoy life, and to document that enjoyment for all of you.

There is another blog that I read on a regular basis, and the author has been doing something called the Encyclopedia of Me. I thought I would borrow her idea and do one as well. So next week, I will be starting on the letter A and telling you a little bit about me that you may, or may not already know. I would put money on you learning something new about me. Hey, maybe as I work my way through the alphabet, I'll learn something new about me too!

Just for fun, here's a random picture that I happen to think is pretty sweet.

We were outside playing and Tanner gave Freckles a BIG hug. Not to be outdone, Freckles showed his affection by giving Tanner puppy kisses on the head. They are best buds!

1 hugs and kisses:

doodle said...

At last I have my Tanner fix....
What an adorable picture.