Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Gone Fishin'

This weekend we went fishing at Lake Springfield. It was Tanner's very first time and he was pretty excited to have his very own fishing pole. He even told Daddy that he needed a matching Spiderman Tackle box.

We told him that fishing was a quiet activity and that he would have to sit still for a long time to catch any fish. This, as you might expect, didn't go over as well as it could have.

Tanner did the very best he could do. He didn't stay in one place very long. And even though we didn't catch any fish he still thinks it's the best thing he's ever done. I think next time, we are going to drive to Wayne and Erma's house. Wayne just stocked his pond this spring and it would really be the ideal setting to teach Tanner the basics. I might even get a fishing pole and join in on the fun!

This is just a random picture I took Friday night. I went in to check on Tanner before going to bed only to discover that at some point, he had gotten into his dresser and put on his hat and scarf (which you can't see in this picture because it is wrapped around his legs.) and his winter pajamas. I had to laugh and take a picture since it was 85 degrees outside. He is so funny.

This was taken Saturday while Tanner and I were playing outside. He has decided that he likes to have the goal lower he can show off his slam dunk skills. He's such a ham. I suspect he will be quite the little athlete.

Friday, July 20, 2007


So I haven't posted in a couple of weeks. Our poor blog has been neglected, as have you the reader. We have been so busy the last couple of weeks that it seems there is hardly time to breathe, let alone sit down at the computer. So let me give you a quick update and then tomorrow I will sit down and post some pictures.

Last week, as some of you already know, I was rear ended. Again. For the fourth time in a little over a year and a half. I am not counting the time Jeremy was rear ended. This idiot in a big white kidnapper van came up behind me and just decided that he didn't need to stop at the stop sign at which I, as a responsible driver, felt obligated to stop. He PLOWED into Tanner and I whilst (I like the word whilst) we were in the PT cruiser. Um, it didn't hold up as well as the Envoy. Needless to say, it will need to be repaired. But what I am MOST concerned with (beside my still aching back) is the fact that I am having serious difficulties wanting to be in a car at all right now. Yesterday, I left work and almost had a panic attack a block away from the building. I had to come home and let Jeremy go get Tanner. My nerves are shot.

Our house has brick finally!!! Jeremy and I were taking bets that it wouldn't get done, but it is finally finished and it looks lovely. It should be completely finished three weeks from today. I am really excited about moving out to the country. I am NOT excited that the last two major tornadoes that came through the area went right through the subdivision I am building in. Oy vay, I know how to pick em.

In work related news, today was my last official day of new hire training for United Healthcare. Monday, I begin my certification and then shortly thereafter (the official date is to be determined), I will go to accounting training. I wanted to go to accounting next, I just didn't think it would be happening so quickly. Our class had a barbecue tonight at one of the parks here in town. Tanner had a blast playing with all of my co-workers kids...and there's a good chance he may have found his future wife. He stated very seriously when we got in the car, "Mom, I love McKenzie." She's a few years older than him, so I'm not sure how it will work out :)

Tonight, I have plans to relax with my husband. We rented Hannibal rising and have a date to watch it as soon as he gets home...which should be any minute. So for now, I will bid you goodnight. Come back tomorrow for some pictures of 414 Cherokee Path and of course some of your favorite Bradshaw.

Monday, July 09, 2007

The Simple Things

I am a very happy camper right now. And for two good reasons.

1. The Jello Pudding Pop is back, people! Someone told me that they had been back for a few years now...I'm not saying I don't believe them, but I just saw them today. And I bought them... I just finished a chocolate-vanilla swirl pop. It was just as delectable as I remember them being.

2. The second thing that has put a smile on my face today is that I found out that you can now get JEM on DVD. Oh come now, you remember Jem. She was soooo cool. I am pretty sure I wanted to be her. I actually remember standing in front of my second grade class in Ava, MO and singing a Jem song called "First Love". It's true...even in the second grade I was pretty hip.

So there you go, proof that it really is the simple things in life that make you smile :)

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Better late than never!

Jeremy took last Saturday off. This, as many of you know, is very rare, and we wanted to make sure that we made the most of our day. We got up early, and ran out to Clever to see if any headway was made on the house. The siding AND the drywall were up...but we were still without brick. Jeremy and I are taking bets that the brick may not be done when we move in (5 weeks, people, that's it!) We had some shopping to do and so, under a dark and cloudy sky, we pulled in to the Supercenter in Republic. Just as we were parking, they announced the first tornado warning of the day over the radio for Christian County (mostly Ozark and Nixa). Here's why.

I obviously did not take these pictures. But this was the view of the storm from different locations in Ozark. The tornado didn't touch down in the city limits, but did do some slight damage to a field east of town. There were also reports of a tornado on the ground near Bolivar, which is North of us, and it was said that they might cancel Firefall.

Thankfully, the weather cleared and they deemed it safe enough, although rather muddy, to continue with the events. This was the first year that we had decided to do one of the big shows. Typically, we just buy some small stuff and let Tanner have fun with that. But he wanted to see some real fireworks this year, and since he gets pretty much whatever he wants...

Tanner had a great time, I wasn't completely impressed. It was very crowded and VERY muddy. But even so we will probably go back next year.

The day of the fourth we had a barbecue with one of my friends from work and her family, and Sara and Barron, who were staying with us for a few days. It was the perfect day. Tanner and Jill's son Bryan hit it off and are now the best of buddies. Jill and I are planning our first sleepover with the two. After that we drove out to the waffle house parking lot at Kearny and 65 and settled in for James River Assembly's "I love America" Celebration. They do an all day event in the Springfield underground, and you can see the show clearly from the highway. I didn't take a camera since I didn't know what to expect. I am totally regretting that decision. It was by far the best fireworks show I have ever seen and lasted almost a full hour. Really, it was stunning. Next year, there will be pictures for sure!

Even though I had a short work week, I was desperately needing the weekend to recuperate. Tanner and I have done nothing but play today. It's been lovely. I thought that if I didn't sit down and update you all on what's been going on that I might get lynched. Better late than never. I hope you all enjoyed your holiday, and thanks for checking in on ours. Lots of love to you all.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007


My husband told me that, even though he turns thirty today, because of the time he has spent with me, he doesn't feel thirty. This flattered me and warmed my heart until he told me that, instead, he feels forty. And in spite of that, I still want to wish him the Happiest of Birthdays. Hey, he may be a dork, but he's MY dork! Love you honey, Happy Birthday!