Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Gone Fishin'

This weekend we went fishing at Lake Springfield. It was Tanner's very first time and he was pretty excited to have his very own fishing pole. He even told Daddy that he needed a matching Spiderman Tackle box.

We told him that fishing was a quiet activity and that he would have to sit still for a long time to catch any fish. This, as you might expect, didn't go over as well as it could have.

Tanner did the very best he could do. He didn't stay in one place very long. And even though we didn't catch any fish he still thinks it's the best thing he's ever done. I think next time, we are going to drive to Wayne and Erma's house. Wayne just stocked his pond this spring and it would really be the ideal setting to teach Tanner the basics. I might even get a fishing pole and join in on the fun!

This is just a random picture I took Friday night. I went in to check on Tanner before going to bed only to discover that at some point, he had gotten into his dresser and put on his hat and scarf (which you can't see in this picture because it is wrapped around his legs.) and his winter pajamas. I had to laugh and take a picture since it was 85 degrees outside. He is so funny.

This was taken Saturday while Tanner and I were playing outside. He has decided that he likes to have the goal lower he can show off his slam dunk skills. He's such a ham. I suspect he will be quite the little athlete.

2 hugs and kisses:

momndad said...

The reason he would not stay in one place is because the fish weren't biting there and he was moving to a better spot. That's what the professional fisherman do!

Just look at that form on the slam dunk skills!

Buffie said...

Sierra wanted me to let you know that she plans on stealing Tanner back from Mackenzie, by any means available. ;)