Saturday, August 18, 2007

Finally Settled

We are finally settled in our new home, and I promised my mother that I would do some blogging. Although, she will have to wait until tomorrow for the pictures. I thought I would get some then of Tanner in his sandbox and pool. The move wasn't too bad, although we did come up against a few obstacles...I will probably never use U-Haul again. My Mom and some of Jeremy's friends from work showed up to pack and load and unload. It was by far the smoothest move ever, and I am so glad that Mom got to be here for it.

Tanner had a great time with Wayne and Erma. He rode the tractor, and fed the fish in Wayne's pond, he fed the cows, and he did a lot of playing. He did get a little homesick by Sunday. I am very glad to have my baby home, though. I missed him like crazy when he was gone.

On Monday, I got up early, since I wasn't sure how long it would take me to drive to work from here. I got all the way to Springfield before I realized that I had left my badge at home. You can't get into the building without it. So I pulled into the parking lot more than a little frazzled and was thrilled to see Donna, one of the ladies that was in my first training class with me, pull in next to me. I jumped out of the Envoy and begged her to let me in the building. She obliged. I love Donna. I got all the way to the door when I realized that I had left my keys in the car...but I wasn't going back. I went through the morning without incident and was having a great day. Right after lunch one of the guys on my team walked over to my desk and asked me what I had been doing in Republic over the weekend. I explained to him that I had moved to Clever and that we were hauling stuff out to the house. "Oh, " he said, "was that your envoy?" I told him yes, that it was Ramone and I asked why. "Well," he said, "there has been a black envoy running in the parking lot since around eight o' clock this morning." People, my heart sunk like the Titanic. I had left the house that morning with less than a quarter tank of gas! I got up and walked what seemed like twenty miles to my car. And, yes indeed, it was running. Still. I was NOT out of gas. I have never felt like such an idiot in my entire life, and I have done some pretty bone headed things. Luckily it hadn't overheated and Deanna followed me to the nearest gas station after work. Bless her.

So that was how my week started. The rest of it went much better, but I have to tell you, I was pretty thrilled to see 5:00 on Friday roll around. This weekend has been great so far. I attended a baby shower today, and Tanner went to play at his friend Brian's house. Tomorrow afternoon, we are just going to take it easy around here. I love it here. I will never move back to Springfield, ever.

Come back tomorrow for pictures!!!

5 hugs and kisses:

Buffie said...

I'm glad to hear that your move went well and that you are settled in to your new home. Another, what 30 years, and you will own it lock stock and barrel? ;)

You are very lucky that no one stole your car, that would have really stunk. I hope that this week is better for you.

Buffie said...

Just wondering how you are, you didn't seem like yourself (on my blog). Take care and remember that you are loved (and missed).

momndad said...

You found time to post on someone else's blog and you have not updated yours since Moby Dick was a guppie????
At this point we would even settle for more toilet pictures.

Anonymous said...

Juli, this is labor day know like three days to post on your blog sweetie. still have to email me bout the you know who's. Anyone wanna know my story? Its better than a soap opera...Oh yes, jules there is more. Call me!

Anonymous said...

Ha ha you guys got all excited didn't ya. What its not like Juli posts on this thingy.
So the family went to a greek fest tonight, it was great. Good food and good entertainment. Katie took Barron on the stage with all the tons of other kids for a jammin dance session. Barron is soooo into music that he stood directly infront of the speaker and wiggled. Way to cute.
Come on girls jump in here any moment. Oh...thats right this isn't a chat room....more like snail mail. Te he. POST SOMETHING>>anything I need my bradshow!!!!!