Sunday, August 05, 2007

Movin' to the Country

By this time next Sunday night, we will have moved into THIS house.
And if all goes well, I will be soaking in THIS tub. Wish us well, everyone. We close on our house at 414 Cherokee Path on Wednesday and start moving this weekend. The packing process has already begun. I really, really, really hate moving. But I am very excited about finally owning our own home.

Here's some pictures of last weekend and this weekend. Last weekend, we went fishing at Fellows Lake near Fairgrove. Again, we caught nothing. But it's really the family time that matters. And we do have lots of fun.

Yesterday, my friend Shari had us over for a barbecue and Tanner was super excited to be in her swimming pool. It was just his size. He's such a little fishy. And of course, being all boy he has NO fear of anything, whatsoever. He loved running at full speed through her back yard and diving head first into the pool. He got a little bit sunburned, but he had a fantastic time, as did I.

5 hugs and kisses:

momndad said...

My what a lovely toilet you have!

Buffie said...

Love the new house, wish that I had your tub. (Ours is sooooo tiny that Sierra-Lynn can lay down in it and her head hits one end and her feet hit the other.) Before long I'm not going to be able to do anything other than shower in it, and I love what little time I do get to relax in the tub.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comment on the should see it in person!!! Never fear Buffie, in just a few short (LONG) months you too will be able to bathe again. I have waited many years for my bathtub--I don't think I will be disappointed. :)

Anonymous said...

Juli if I send the biggest turd I know, would you flush it for me?
You may want to set this to private if you can....he has the web address in his laptop.

Buffie said...

I won't be able to do that (take a bath) until we move and Lord only knows when that will be. Here's hoping that he makes assistant manager SOON.