Tuesday, September 18, 2007

What the Camera Missed

Today was Tanner's second soccer game. His team is comprised mostly of four year olds...they played six year olds. They were slaughtered. But they had a blast, and seriously, it's the cutest thing I have ever seen. I had my camera on for about three seconds, and the batteries died. I was a little angry with myself, since I got to see the funniest thing ever...and now, I can't share it with you. But picture, if you will, Little Tanner standing in the middle of the soccer field all by himself. The orange team kicks the ball hard right at him, and he stops it, and kicks the ball all the way back down the field to his team mates. Does he run to join them in their pursuit of a goal? No. He stays mid-field, and proceeds to do a victory dance of Tanner-riffic proportions. All of us parents were laughing so hard that tears were shed. He hammed it up!!! I am giggling now just thinking about it. I wish you all could have been there with me.

Tomorrow is the BIG 0-5 for my little turkey. He is so super excited. He got to use part of his birthday present tonight. Brand new soccer shoes, and very cool shin guards. He felt like a big soccer star. He is also getting a moon sand kit. I don't know why he wanted one, but every time he sees the commercial he FREAKS. Saturday, I am doing something that I have never done before, but that I am sure I will be doing again. His buddy Bryan is coming over for Tanner's very first sleepover. I plan on picking Bryan up right after lunch Saturday, and taking the boys to the park. Then it's home to play, watch a movie, snack on popcorn, and just have a great time. Be mindful, I am doing this by myself....pray for my sanity!
I am feeling ok about this whole 5 thing for the most part. I am still in awe at where the time went. Yesterday, he was my little peanut. Here's a stroll down memory lane! Love you all!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

7 days and counting...

...and Tanner will be FIVE. Oh people, I am a weepy, soggy mess. I cannot help it. When did my baby get to be such a big boy. We haven't yet decided what we're going to do this year for Tanner's birthday. I know that his friend Bryan will be joining us, but other than that, we don't really have a plan yet. Any ideas???

He says the funniest things. I may have already told Mom this, but I will share it with the rest of you. A couple of weeks ago, Tanner and Jeremy were out playing in the yard and Jeremy told Tanner he was tired. Tanner said,"Oh Daddy, you just need to get more exercise." Jeremy laughed and said, "Yeah, and you need a smaller vocabulary!" To which Tanner replied, "Yes, I also need a laboratory." He makes me laugh. Of course, he also has those moments when he makes me want to cry. Tonight I was cooking dinner and he asked me, "Mommy, after we eat dinner, will you hold me?" he even had to ask. I live for the moments when my big boy will let me cuddle him. Those moments don't come as often as they used to.

Tanner had his first actual soccer game yesterday. He played goalie. He stopped two shots!! I was so proud...and I know we're not supposed to keep score but, just in case you were interested, his team won four to zero. I am going to have to buy him some shin guards though. Four year olds kick hard, and they don't always hit the ball.

Well that's all I have for tonight. I will be back this weekend with pics of his first game. I need to edit them first. Until then, you have a little something to tide you over. Hugs and Kisses to you from the Bradshaws!

Saturday, September 08, 2007

I'm Back Blog Fans!

Um, I think I am in trouble with the majority of you. I am sorry for the lengthy vacation. But I am back and ready to blog. There has been much excitement in the Bradshaw home since we moved in. Tanner has started soccer, Jeremy has switched work schedules, and we have lived through our very first Clever, MO tornado.

Tanner had his very first soccer practice on Tuesday of this week. The preschool that he is attending out here does soccer in the fall and t-ball in the spring. I love it. The kids were sooo cute. They played hard, although they had a hard time remembering not to use their hands, or which direction they were supposed to run. And Tanner kept losing a shoe. If it ever quits raining (we are up to about nine inches now), his first game will be Tuesday night. I can't wait.

Jeremy started his night shift schedule on Labor Day. He now works from five p.m. until two a.m., five nights a week. I haven't made up my mind how I feel about this shift yet, since it has only been a week. Truth be told, I have enjoyed the peace and quiet...but like I said, it's only been a week.
Very early Thursday morning, at around 5:30, an F0 tornado touched down about 1/4 of a mile from my house. It took part of the roof off of the bank here in town and uprooted some trees. There were no tornado warnings in the area, and it happened so suddenly that the sirens didn't even go off. Tanner crawled in bed with us, because it was storming. But we didn't know a thing had happened until they showed it on the news. Note to self, call Gary about Hazard Insurance.

Work is fabulous. I really do love my job, and aside from working at Sally's I don't think I have ever said that. It's challenging, and rewarding, and I don't have to talk to anyone unless I want to. My supervisor is in Greensboro NC. I am hoping that I will get to go home before Christmas. I can't wait until the day that I can roll out of bed, and walk into my office to sit down for work. It will be beautiful.

Well folks, that's enough of my babble. How 'bout some Tanner pics to make you smile?? Lots of love to you all. Thanks for yelling at me and making me sit down and do this.