Today was Tanner's second soccer game. His team is comprised mostly of four year olds...they played six year olds. They were slaughtered. But they had a blast, and seriously, it's the cutest thing I have ever seen. I had my camera on for about three seconds, and the batteries died. I was a little angry with myself, since I got to see the funniest thing ever...and now, I can't share it with you. But picture, if you will, Little Tanner standing in the middle of the soccer field all by himself. The orange team kicks the ball hard right at him, and he stops it, and kicks the ball all the way back down the field to his team mates. Does he run to join them in their pursuit of a goal? No. He stays mid-field, and proceeds to do a victory dance of Tanner-riffic proportions. All of us parents were laughing so hard that tears were shed. He hammed it up!!! I am giggling now just thinking about it. I wish you all could have been there with me.