Wednesday, September 12, 2007

7 days and counting...

...and Tanner will be FIVE. Oh people, I am a weepy, soggy mess. I cannot help it. When did my baby get to be such a big boy. We haven't yet decided what we're going to do this year for Tanner's birthday. I know that his friend Bryan will be joining us, but other than that, we don't really have a plan yet. Any ideas???

He says the funniest things. I may have already told Mom this, but I will share it with the rest of you. A couple of weeks ago, Tanner and Jeremy were out playing in the yard and Jeremy told Tanner he was tired. Tanner said,"Oh Daddy, you just need to get more exercise." Jeremy laughed and said, "Yeah, and you need a smaller vocabulary!" To which Tanner replied, "Yes, I also need a laboratory." He makes me laugh. Of course, he also has those moments when he makes me want to cry. Tonight I was cooking dinner and he asked me, "Mommy, after we eat dinner, will you hold me?" he even had to ask. I live for the moments when my big boy will let me cuddle him. Those moments don't come as often as they used to.

Tanner had his first actual soccer game yesterday. He played goalie. He stopped two shots!! I was so proud...and I know we're not supposed to keep score but, just in case you were interested, his team won four to zero. I am going to have to buy him some shin guards though. Four year olds kick hard, and they don't always hit the ball.

Well that's all I have for tonight. I will be back this weekend with pics of his first game. I need to edit them first. Until then, you have a little something to tide you over. Hugs and Kisses to you from the Bradshaws!

2 hugs and kisses:

momndad said...

I have one idea. He could come to Kansas for his birthday. Every child would love to spend their birthday in Kansas!
It's just a suggestion . . .

Buffie said...

And I thought that I was behind on Sierra-Lynn party plans (and I still about 6 weeks). All I still have to worry about is the menu, it has to be peanut free and kosher. Happy, happy, joy, joy!
She is having hers at the local movie theatre, the kids get a tour and she gets to start a movie. You could always look into that. (There is no decorating involved or cleanup. Both pluses!)