Tuesday, September 18, 2007

What the Camera Missed

Today was Tanner's second soccer game. His team is comprised mostly of four year olds...they played six year olds. They were slaughtered. But they had a blast, and seriously, it's the cutest thing I have ever seen. I had my camera on for about three seconds, and the batteries died. I was a little angry with myself, since I got to see the funniest thing ever...and now, I can't share it with you. But picture, if you will, Little Tanner standing in the middle of the soccer field all by himself. The orange team kicks the ball hard right at him, and he stops it, and kicks the ball all the way back down the field to his team mates. Does he run to join them in their pursuit of a goal? No. He stays mid-field, and proceeds to do a victory dance of Tanner-riffic proportions. All of us parents were laughing so hard that tears were shed. He hammed it up!!! I am giggling now just thinking about it. I wish you all could have been there with me.

Tomorrow is the BIG 0-5 for my little turkey. He is so super excited. He got to use part of his birthday present tonight. Brand new soccer shoes, and very cool shin guards. He felt like a big soccer star. He is also getting a moon sand kit. I don't know why he wanted one, but every time he sees the commercial he FREAKS. Saturday, I am doing something that I have never done before, but that I am sure I will be doing again. His buddy Bryan is coming over for Tanner's very first sleepover. I plan on picking Bryan up right after lunch Saturday, and taking the boys to the park. Then it's home to play, watch a movie, snack on popcorn, and just have a great time. Be mindful, I am doing this by myself....pray for my sanity!
I am feeling ok about this whole 5 thing for the most part. I am still in awe at where the time went. Yesterday, he was my little peanut. Here's a stroll down memory lane! Love you all!

14 hugs and kisses:

momndad said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY from Papa and Nana!
You are the greatest grandson ever!


There are many many great moments ahead. His first day of school will be a killer. Each age is equally as special as the year before. Enjoy them all.

and . . . learn to carry extra batteries for your camera!!!!!!

Buffie said...

From the Bennetts:

Don't worry about the sleepover, Sierra has had two and girls can get louder than boys, so you will be okay. I have to say that I loved the photos of baby Tanner. Mark and I have an 8x10 on the wall of Miss Sierra-Lynn flipping the bird, at one week old. How old was Tanner in the first pic?

Anonymous said...

The first picture was taken the day we brought him home from the that would have made him an entire two days old. The ducky picture was taken when he was about 4 weeks precious little ducky.

Anonymous said...

Oh, how I am kicking myself in the tooshie, such a bad auntie I am. How could I forget to wish my birthday buddy a warm wonderful birthday.

Tanner - Honey, I have had the pleasure in watching you become a quite the big boy you are today. You bring my heart much joy in all the great things you say and do. I know that you are one in a million to your mommy and daddy too. I love you big birthday boy....HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

You are 5 today and I will be 27 tommarrow! Where has the time gone chico?

Anonymous said...

And speaking of Birthdays...Happy Birthday to my beautiful friend Sara, who deserves the best year ever...I love you! Celebrate, Ok?

Anonymous said...

So whats Tanner gonna be for Halloween? We were given a suggestion for Bear to be the snoopy Red Barron. I like it, I think Steve will love it.

Anonymous said...

By the way, I need an update on new phone numbers....been callin, ain't no body talkin back.

Buffie said...

I know that this is not really the place to put this, but I was wondering if you and everyone who reads this can do me (and my sister) a favor. She needs all of the prayer that she can get. She is dying, unless she can get a miracle. 23 days (from the day of this post) she will turn 38, the doctors don't think that she will have much time after that.
She has multiple tumors, including one that is nearly touching the back of her heart (estimated time til it does touch is 30 days). This is the one that is killing her. She still has two kids to get graduated from high school, the youngest is only 15.
So if you could pass this on to your churches, friends, family, or anyone else that you know has a heart, it will be greatly appreciated.

Pardon the spelling, having a hard time seeing through the tears.

Anonymous said...

On behalf of every Bradshow blog reader here, I think it goes with out saying that our prayers are absolutely with you, Buffie and your sister. My husband and I will say several tonight. My heart goes out to you right now and I wish I could take away your pain and fears. Just remember that God has a plan for your sister and no matter what God will bless her.

Buffie said...

I want to thank the Bradshow blog readers for their prayers. I spoke with my sister last night (in the middle of a tornado, it could be seen from our front door). The cancer has not spread and the specialist is going to be able to get ALL of it. Thanks one and all.

P.S. Does anyone know what happened to Juli?

Anonymous said...

Buffie I watched the most inspiring movie ever...I want you to watch it and then I want you to live it. The movie is called..."Facing the Giants." Momndad, you gotta watch this too.

I am sure Juli is just waxin her taco or maybe she's washing dents out of her car. I duno. I love you Juli, I am so glad you gave us all a place to come chat with eachother, although momndad, you are being quiet. By the way Jules...I am in Premier Design..oh I wish you knew what I do. SO GET ON HERE AND BLOG. JEREMY, you blog for her....somebody??

momndad said...

Perhaps we need to change the name of this blog to the "bradless show".
I have seen "Facing the Giants". I actually have the DVD.
It is an incredible faith-based movie. It was made completely by members of a church. There are no professional actors in it.

Buffie said...

You can always check out my blog. It's

I try to blog at least once a week. Although my computer wouldn't take the one I wrote on the third.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know you were pregnant!! Congrats! I am still enjoying my 1 year old son, he has mastered so much for a little using mashed potatoes for hair gel. Yeah, its great. Or like scooting the dinning room chair over to the bar stool, climbing on the dinning room chair to get onto the bar stool chair...all in a matter of a second and behind my back..then presenting it all with a wicked cute smile so I can't lecture him.