Thursday, October 25, 2007


I am such a twelve year old girl!! Tomorrow night, I am having ........a slumber party. Yup, you heard it hear first. The girls (Deanna, Shannon, Robin, and Shelly) and I will be starting the party at 6:30ish with plans of partying all night long. Nachos, scary movies and Hot cocoa. What could be more fun than that? I AM a little sad that I don't have any footie pj's to wear, but I am totally wearing my hair in pigtails!!! Tanner is going to go and stay with Jill and Bryan and is going to a Trunk or Treat. He is thrilled out of his mind.....but not as thrilled as me!!!!!

I hope your Friday night promises to be as much fun as mine!!!
Love you all.

5 hugs and kisses:

Buffie said...

I wanna come.

The last time I was had anything to do with a slumber party, it was Sierra-Lynn and Ella having the fun. My friends all have kids and no dads around for them.

I miss fun.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

We did have fun last night. Of course the fun was short-lived when I got a call from Jill this morning telling me that she was taking Tanner to the ER. He and Bryan were playing and he got hit in the eye with a spatula. It cut his eyelid pretty stitches though. I am administering eye drops, and he will see an opthomologist on Tuesday. Hopefully, it's not serious. Lots of prayers for my little one, please. I'll keep you posted

Anonymous said...

uh...I'll retract my hoocie remark and send love instead. Oh my goodness, Tanner! Well honey I am glad you still have two eyes and I heard that eye patches are a great way to get girls....if you are dressed as a pirate. Katelyn spent the night with her scusins a few weeks ago and knocked her head on the moving Cieling fan. She had a pretty good gash.

Buffie said...

I hope that "the Tan Man" is okay.

Although, now I don't know if I want Sierra-Lynn to spend the night at anyone's house. Lord only knows what kind of injury she will end up with. Way to scare a person.

Have a happy Halloween, everybody.