Saturday, October 13, 2007

Happy Autumn Family!

This morning, I stepped out on the deck and inhaled deeply the fragrance of fall. I breathed in the crisp, clean scent that can only come with the changing of the leaves from green to hues of burgundy and gold. I relished the chill in the air and took a moment to celebrate Autumn and how beautiful it is. I am in love with all things fall-like.

I know The Bradshow has been a little slow lately. In a way, it reflects my pace right now. We have been spending a lot of time just enjoying each other. We have slowed down and things don't seem quite as hectic as they used to. We are finding peace in the day to day activities of our home, and we are loving it. I think back to a year ago, and the hurried way I rushed about...moving as quickly as I could, but still never accomplishing anything. Why? I cannot answer my own question. But I do know that I am happy to have made a change for the better.

Today, Tanner and I are hanging out. He is sitting next to me right now drawing pictures. So far I have a heart with a face on it (including teeth and a tongue), and some geometric shape that he worked on for five minutes, erasing as he needed to and concentrating the entire time. He has asked me if we can make some cookies today, and of course we can. Then later we will snuggle on the couch and watch one of his movies. We will have a hearty autumn dinner of beef stew, chili, or potato soup (I haven't decided yet which one sounds better). And after I tuck him in for the night, then I will take my blanket and head for the deck. And I will curl up under the covers and watch the stars while breathing the cool night air and know that I am exactly where I am supposed to be.

10 hugs and kisses:

Anonymous said...

Oh, come on five more days and you wouldn't have posted for a full month....we took bets...not really. do the nails look?

Tanner is too cute, Jules. I can just picture him drawing...with his tounge out. Barron loved his finger painting today. It was a first for him and oh my where didn't he get it. He did a hand print, then wiggled his little fat fingers around and finaly he used a brush to push his colors around, complete with dabbing of the brush. I am so proud.

I cried the other morning cause he is such a big boy already and its just crazy for me that he was only months old a year ago. Some one I dreamed about for years and waited nine months (an eternity) to meet and here the time has come and gone already.

Oh, I need a hug.

momndad said...

"I know The Bradshow has been a little slow lately."

Yeah, in the same way the Titanic took in a little water.

Our house, too, has been a little quiet since Tanner went home. You need to bring him back real soon!

Buffie said...

Welcome back!
So, it seems that we both have budding artists on our hands. One of Sierra-Lynn's favorite things to do is draw (on every piece of paper she can find).
Tomorrow we (Sierra-Lynn and I start Girl Scouts). It should be interesting, wish me luck.

Sarabeth, here is a big hug for you. Just remember that no matter how big he gets, he will always need his mama!

Anonymous said...

I remember girls scouts...what fun! I am enjoying Barron in his everyday milestones and look forward to many more explorations in his life. I am so proud of him and could not be more enthusiastic.

In my dreams, I have a daughter next...I cant wait to meet her and enjoy the "girl" time. But Steve and I must make sure we mend all and set up a healthier life for us before we think about adding to the family.

Thanks for the hug Buffie. I really hope everything is going well for your sister, I have high hopes for her and for you. God bless her.

Anonymous said...

Sigh--I love the bonding. Love you guys!!!

Buffie said...

Does anyone have any ideas for a little girl's party (where no one is going to show up)? For more details check

Anonymous said...

Waking up this morning, I had you on my brain. Steve had called me and said that he was meeting his boss at Winsteads for lunch today. I don't know if your aware of what winsteads is but it is only the best place to take a child to get ice cream. They have a dish full of every flavor and all the extra goodies you can stuff in it. From the table to your shoulders tall. Its huge. so naturally I loved the idea of taking you and Tanner, your mom and dad, and all the other people we could think of to help us eat that monster load of ice cream. What fun it would be.

Anonymous said...

I'm game--let's do it! I heart ice cream. When my parent's lived in Colorado Springs we went to this awesome place called Michelle's and ordered the BIGGEST ice cream sundae I had ever seen--I have a picture of Tanner digging into it--it was bigger than his head!

momndad said...

Yes, and after we moved away Michelle's closed down. I guess they just did not have enough business without us there! It was like the best ice-cream ever! Sweet!

Anonymous said...

I can just see it now...the kids bouncing off the walls and us adults sitting there in miserable pain do to our pot-bellies and brain freeze. What a picture.