Monday, November 19, 2007

I Was Tagged

A friend tagged me on myspace. This means that you wonderful people lucked out, as I now have to share ten random facts about myself with all of you. Oh, don't think you get this wonderful treasure without having to participate. According to the rules, I can tag ten of you for your random facts. Let the fun begin!

1. My toe nails do not grow. I am for real. I never ever clip them, and my toe nail polish always moves a little farther up on my toe nail, but the actual toe nail never gets any longer.

2. Words that describe food disgust me. There is a good chance that if you use the words juicy, moist or succulent, I will gag.

3. I am the "Rain Man" of dates. I remember dates and the details of those dates like no ones business. I can tell you what I was doing and what I was wearing on October 25, 1999. What can I say, it's a gift.

4. I don't really like children all that much. I love my child, and the children of a few friends, but that's pretty much it. If your child is not in the "selected few" then there is a good chance that I think they are a demon seed.

5. I tweeze all of my gray hairs. I can't stand them and I am a bit obsessive compulsive about doing it. I am guessing that at some point, I will have a bald spot right on top of my head where most of them come should also be mentioned that I could color my hair, but I am too lazy.

6. Most of my friends are guys because women in general tick me off! Nothing annoys me more than a helpless woman that couldn't take care of herself if her life depended on it, and there are so many that play the "I'm helpless" card. It makes me very grateful that my parents taught me how to do things for myself.

7. I have often wished that I had been born in England in the early 1800's. I am in love with literature from that era and would love nothing more than to live as Elizabeth in Pride and Prejudice or the young Miss Dashwoods in Sense and Sensibility. Everything about it fascinates me and makes me wish for simpler times.

8. I love Spongebob Squarepants. Enough said.

9. I would very much like to be a craft-sy person who was capable of doing cool things like sewing, knitting, or crocheting. But I lack the patience and the eye hand coordination to do any of them.

10. Mullets make me very, very angry. And I have the pleasure of working with many people, some of them women, who have never been told that they can cut their hair in a different fashion. I want to hold them down and shave them bald, because I know that it would look ten times better that way than the way they are wearing it now. It is NEVER ok to have a mullet.

Whew, finally, the last two took me a while to come up with. But there you have it folks ten things that you may or may not have known about me. And now for the tagging.
I tag:
My mom and dad--because they are very interesting people, and I am betting that there is much I do not know. (That counts as TWO!)
My aunt Dixie, cause I just don't hear from her enough.
Sara because she is a faithful reader and I know she will participate willingly.
Buffie for the same reason.
Alex because I KNOW he reads this and remains WAY too quiet.
My beautiful friend Deanna because she is hysterical and I never know what will come from her mouth.
Delissa because she just got her very own blog and can now post.
The absolutely hysterical Chris Carrier, because he is a ninja.
And last but not least, I tag my brother Hondo who just got a new myspace page and also because he won't give me my television back.

10 hugs and kisses:

Anonymous said...

Thats it? Gosh, Jules, I could come up with so much more for you. I have to say though, I am glad you don't knit cause sharp objects in your hands do scare me. By the way are you rockin the scarf I gave ya? Its cold out.
Hondo can keep that tv, we are getting a new flat screen and will then have an extra. Although, that is not the point...Hondo, give it back! Steve and I now have a blog spot I will have to give you that info later though. Happy thanks giving to you all.

Buffie said...

Ten things about me
1. I have never been able to handle it when someone is throwing a tantrum (this includes babies). Imagine how interesting this made babysitting?
2. My ability to judge people sucks. I have been known to think of someone as a friend only to have them backstab me at the first possible chance (this has happened more than once.
3. I'm a klutz. Just Monday I fell in the bathroom, almost broke my foot and hit my tummy on the tub. Don't worry Jackson is fine.
4. I can't tolerate lying, even little ones. If someone lies about the little things, then what happens when it comes to the big stuff?
5. I HATE having people do things for my (I am litterally in He-- right now, as I can't even walk to the bathroom without someone with me.)
6. I would rather do something for someone else than for myself. Example: given the opportunity to make an outfit or handbag, I would rather do it for someone else (usually Sierra-Lynn) than to make anything for me (the same goes for buying anything).
7. I love anything that has to do with the Renassiance time (the 1500's). Everything was just so beautful then. Alright not everything about that time, I don't care for the fact that women had no rights, but we did get to wear some pretty cool stuff.
8. Family means everything to me, I just don't mean that much to them.
9. I want to become a published, well known, author (I just don't have the time or the energy to do it, not do I know where to start [hence my blog]). It's about the closest that I will get.
10. I, like Juli, hate mullets. Billy Ray didn't even look good with one, and just think I live across the street from a woman who sports one. Imagine a very thin woman with dark brown hair (in a mullet) a white t-shirt and jeans (her uniform), its all she will wear.
11. If asked a question (or to do something like this) I will be brutally honest.
12. I think that I am allergic to pain.

I know I only had to do ten, but oh well.

Anonymous said...

The 10 random facts about Sara:

1. I have a bunch of frekles on my left booty cheek in the shape of an S.
2. I have been known only to a few to dance on the top of my car in PJ top and neon yellow underwear for absolutely no reason.
3. If there were an abundance of money floating around, I would go to cullinary school and so much more.
4. I am totaly crafty in loads of areas and sometimes wish people didn't know that.
5. I only watch soaps once a quarter to move to story took 3years for this chick to get her man back!
6. The small stuff in life makes me happy. I am not about the material things, its so not why god put us here.
7. I cherish the moments when God shows you how great you are to him and how mighty he when you stand by the ocean and realize how small you are. There is a reason for that.
8. I love watching the discovery channel...I can't get enough. The ocean is the most amazing thing.
9. I remember numbers like crazy and have photographic memory.
10. Like most gals, I love to take care of others and seldomly pamper myself.

Anonymous said...

11. I more than love oreo cookies
12. I like Betty Boop and Cookie Monster
oh yeah and number 13.....just found out today....we are prego.
I went in for pain in my side and came out pregnant!

Anonymous said...

GASP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you, I am so excited.

momndad said...

1)I have never been "tagged" before. (Possibly not as surprising as the next nine may be)
2. I am convinced "The Wiz" is hands-down the worst movie ever released! (Please do not attempt to suggest another nomination - it is useless)
3. Riding between the lady I would someday marry and her fiance' as he "twirled" a pocket knife near my abdomen was not the best date I have ever had.
4. I almost drowned in a man-made lake in Germany.
5. Perhaps the most annoying thing to me is the sound of crunching ice or potato chips or other noisy food. If that is the most annoying thing in my life I guess my life is not so bad.
6. Hearing two small children tell a bunch of strangers on a ferris wheel that I was going to be their Dad before we had even discussed still ranks as one the top 5 moments in my life. (of course, I didn't come close to living up to that)
7. My childhood ambition was to be a comedian because I so enjoyed seeing people laugh. Instead, I just make people laugh by attempting to preach.
8. I am still the first one up on Christmas day, waking long before daylight because I am so excited.
9. I got to see "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" in the original Pillow Theater in Monterey, CA. before it burned down.
10. If I ever wear neon yellow underwear I GUARANTEE nobody, including my wife, will ever see them!!!!

Perhaps not as inventive as some others but these are truly random facts about me.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Daddy! Sorry I missed you guys at Thanksgiving! I wish I could see the Rocky Horror Picture show Live ANYWHERE! Love you

Anonymous said...

Thanks dad!! I am sooo buying you a pair for your stocking stuffer, oh yeah, shake your booty! lol Happy T-day to ya.

Buffie said...

Sarabeth, let Auntie Buffie know when and if you find out the gender of the baby, for a really sweet baby gift. Congrats girl.

Anonymous said...

Awww...Buffie you are too sweet! Did I mention this one was concived the same time as says the due date is the 9th of August. Which will make all of our kids born in August.

Jules...tonight I made turkey noodle soup (my oh so yummy egg noodles) AND the pumpkin roll. Mooahhahaha!
This sucks, I just lost all that weight. But I won't let it keep me from dancing in my neon'