Thursday, November 01, 2007

Dear Mom,

I'm siiiiiiick! And Tanner is too. This cold is the yuckiest cold in the history of colds...and I keep telling Tanner he can't cough or sneeze because of his eye. My nose is sore and red from all of the blowing that I have to do. And it's all futile anyway. I am certain that the only way I am going to get my right nostril operable again is to use dynamite to blast it open. This is no fun. Our fwoats are sore and red and scratchy. Jeremy tried to take care of us with hot tea and cough drops, but he forgot to tuck our feet under the covers. He is useless. Please come take care of us and make us all better.

Juli and Tanner

4 hugs and kisses:

Anonymous said...

Poor Tanner, God bless him. Poor Juli, get better sweety. We will be thinking of you.

Buffie said...

Do I need to send you some of that "airborne" stuff? It might help keep you from getting anymore colds (although if memory serves me, you were sick this time last year to).

Anyway, get better soon.

Anonymous said...

YES, I was!! I really, really hate it too. I am hacking and I sound like a man. I smell like vicks vapor I assure you.

Buffie said...

You should hear me, I almost lost my voice today, during Sierra's school time.