Sunday, November 25, 2007

Bring it On!

It's that time of year again, folks. A chill creeps into the air, the days are much shorter, the sounds of merriment and laughter float in on the breeze, and you want to run over people in your SUV. I know it's not just me, so don't pretend to be all happy about it! I kid, of course....sort of. Actually, despite all the crazed shoppers and the "we have the best sales, EVER" commercials, I really do enjoy this time of the year. It's about family and cherished memories. We decided to stay home this year for Thanksgiving. Not because I don't love the REST of my family, but I am feeling very selfish with my time with my boys right now.

I wanted to take some time and devote it to them and only them. I don't always get to do that, and with my required overtime starting tomorrow it will become even more rare, until I can be working from home. So, I cooked our meal, and we enjoyed each other. We watched Christmas cartoons, and the Mizzou vs KU game (GOOOOO Tigers!), Jeremy and I spent some cuddle time watching Love Actually (again), and we discovered that we are NOT smarter than a 5th I predicted. It's been a marvelous four day weekend, and as jealous as I have been with our time, I am sad to say that tomorrow it is back to the real world. But, I'm not going to mope, instead I am choosing to meet it head on. Bring it on, work week, Bring it on! I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving where ever you were. And I hope that the upcoming weeks are kind and gentle on your peace of mind and your wallets. We here at the Bradshow love you all!

6 hugs and kisses:

momndad said...

I'm glad you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Family time is very important.
Now that you have had some quality family time, next Thanksgiving I WILL EXPECT YOU TO BRING TANNER WHERE WE CAN SEE HIM ! ! !


Buffie said...

My Thanksgiving was spent on the couch cuddling with Sierra-Lynn while Mark made a ham (I cooked the big meal the previous weekend). I felt really bad about Mark having to do the cooking (I don't like when others have to do things for me), but I was (and am) under doctors orders to stay off of my foot until I can figure out what in the world that I did to it (when I fell).

Anonymous said...

we'll be in for Christmas Eve :) It's only, like, four weeks away.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry Buffie...Jules is just as clumbsy! I wish I could say I was...okay I am too, but Juli is so damn funny. Like the time she got her hand stuck in her desk.

Juli, your dad just laid the smack down on yo' ass, sounds like he needs his TW fix. I will be mailing you his neon yellow underpanties, so ya better give them to him. Start practicin your moves preacher man!!! Just kiddin. I of course am just jealous that ya'll get to see the Bradshaw's. Those pics are beautiful Juli.

Buffie said...

If anyone wants to see what my poor foot looks like, I posted a pic for the world to see.

Sarabeth, please do a favor for me, if at anytime between now and when you have your baby, your leg goes numb. Call for help before getting up.

I could also use some addresses so that I can send baby gift and Christmas cards. Jules has my email address and my permission to give it out to momndad and sarabeth.

Anonymous said...

Jule, I just wanted to thank you for crying on the phone with me and letting me tell you I was scared. You were in my heart and I knew I needed the prayers. Thank you, everybody.