Friday, December 07, 2007

From the Land of Sleep Derprivation...

I have completed my very first incentive...oh people...I am tired. Today was the last day, and while I met my production goal for the week at about 7:00 AM yesterday, I still had two hours of overtime I had to tackle. Do you know what happens at 4:30 in the morning?? Nothing. That's what I have learned this week. The world is quiet and peaceful at 4:30 in the morning. Except for me. I am up and moving slowly for a long day. The last couple of days were the hardest. There were times at work that I would just space out. Ten minutes later, when I realized that I had drool on my chin, I would frantically try to remember what I had been doing before my brief coma. Deanna and Shannon have been right there with me too. Today at 4:00, Deanna and I walked out of the office looking like death warmed over and headed for home, for two full days off. Sadly we both signed up for a second incentive beginning it will be another 60 hour week. We are gluttons for punishment.

Have you been watching the weather?? Do you know what is coming my way this weekend? Ice. Anywhere from 3/4 to 1 inch. Sound famliar?? If you don't know what I am speaking of, feel free to look back at some of January's entries. I am NOT ready, in any way, shape, or form, for another ice storm. And since when do we have one two years in a row...this was supposed to be a "once every 25 years" thing. The latest reports have this ice starting late Saturday evening and lasting until possible Tuesday. Tomorrow I will be at Walmart with the rest of the Ozarks hunting for batteries and water...stuff I should already have, but don't. I am moving to Arizona...some day, I swear.

Tonight, TW and I are hanging out. We are going to attempt to build a block castle...I have already been warned not to knock it over. Does he know he is talking to? He is waiting for me, so I must be off, but before I go, do any of you have any ideas for gifts for my fantabulous husband whom I love and adore. He's been a pretty good boy this year, and I think he deserves something nice. Suggestions welcome! Love you!

9 hugs and kisses:

Anonymous said...

Oh don't I know that pain. What rest I was ordered to get, didn't happen. Wow Jules, 60hr weeks...yeah that is still better than the "land o hell" aka Matt Miller Co.

You could buy him the "for men only" watch from me. Its $83 but with your best friends discount you can get it for half price. Check it out online at
The guts are sekio .

Or check out always have great ideas that match your mans personality. Its more fun to pretend he has different traits too. you'll see what I mean.

Buffie said...

Mark has a suggestion. Go to Wal*Mart (or Victoria's secret) pick something in his favorite color and since he has been a good boy. . . be a little naughty for him.

For something that can be opened in front of TW though, you could find his favorite movie on DVD or a season of his favorite TV show, if he isn't that into TV, Mark says that tools are always a good bet.

Hopefully, by Tuesday I will have my little man in my arms. I can't wait. I just want to tell Sara that when I found out, I cried for her. Don't get discouraged, everything happens for a reason that only God knows and when it is time, you will have another baby (if you want to have one).

Merry Christmas all.

Anonymous said...

I will be thinking of you Buffie, give Jackson a kiss for me when he gets here! Tell Mark I said thanks for the ideas! And Sara, I checked out LOVE it!

Anonymous said...

So did you ever get that nasty ice. I hope it missed you. We were hit with a moderate sleet storm today for about an hour and then later it rained. And now it is snowing. Well I just hope that is white for Christmas. Steve and I are going to cozy up to a warm (gas)fire and wrap the kids gifts. I have sewing left to do....making a blanket for the bro-in law, sweeters for the kids, eye masks that you can heat up for the sis-in-laws, and cool pillows for my sis. Then I have a mountain of dishes to do....the dishwasher decided to go crazy on us. And a partidge in a pear tree! Merry Christmas to mom n dad and to buffie too! Many warm wishes to you all. Hugs and kisses to my Tanner boy. Big love to you and Jeremy.

Buffie said...

Jackson is doing great, Sierra-Lynn is loving being a big sister and Mark and I are hoping for lots of sleep for Christmas (don't think that we are going to get it though).

There are bunches of pics for all to see (more to come every few days).

Buffie said...

How was everyone's Christmas? Mine was great. More sleep would be nice, but oh well.

Does anyone know what happened to Juli?

Buffie said...

How was everyone's Christmas? Mine was great. More sleep would be nice, but oh well.

Does anyone know what happened to Juli?

Anonymous said...

Juli was last seen ducking under santa's toy sack as a stow away to the north pole. All her note to her family said was: I need a vacation so I am going to hang with the polar bears and peguins. If you are good you will get me back for christmas next year.

Ha ha ha. We had a good christmas, kiss your new baby for me buffie. I hope you get more sleep.

momndad said...

The last time Juli was spotted she was rushing away with MY peanut butter fudge!
I doubt we will see or hear anything else from her until all of the fudge is gone.
On the other hand, we had a awesome Christmas with all of the family, especially Tanner!
Our new iced-tea maker works perfectly and we are enjoying it now!
I hope everyone else had a Merry Christmas. 'Tis the season to keep neon yellow underwear to yourself. :)