Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Roaming Blog

Tonight's blog comes to you from the comfort of my favorite chair in the living room. Jeremy bought a laptop today, and although I had to wait patiently, it is my turn to play. It's a Gateway. That's all I know. Please don't ask me about any of the specs...all I know is it's black...and shiny.

I have been working at home for almost a week now. I L-O-V-E it. I had a sneaking suspicion that I would enjoy it some....but the amount of enjoyment that I get from getting out of bed five minutes before I have to be at work is ridiculous. Today, I stayed in my jammies all day long. It was blissful.

Tanner had to be picked up early today. Pink eye. I don't really know where he got it. It's not going around the school right now. But I am thankful he has it, cause we hadn't paid a co-pay in nearly a month...and I didn't know what to do with our 20 extra dollars. SIGH!

Jeremy bought cinnamon rolls today. I hate him. I have been sooooo good lately. The smell of warm cinnamon was not conducive to my new healthy lifestyle. Since I've been home, I've been walking one to two miles a day. I am gets easier every day to make good decisions instead of bad ones. And I have discovered that I adore dried pineapple. Delicious and nutritious.

Is it freezing where you are?? The air outside is frigid. It's not cool to wake up to temperatures of 62 degrees and then have a windchill of 8 degrees. God is enjoying April's Fools jokes just a tad early, don't you think?

Here is a random tidbit that I have discovered about myself this week. I love the television show House. I think it may be a new fave. I love it so much that I have scheduled my DVR to record every episode of it. I suggest you watch it, it is highly entertaining....makes me want to go into medicine.

I really didn't have anything specific I wanted to tell you all this evening. It's bedtime. I am a very sleepy girl, and 4:30 will come very early in the morning. I love you all. I hope your dreams are sweet and your tomorrows are splendid.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

What a week!

As you know, our week here in the area started out with a bang. This is my first opportunity to sit down and post some pictures for you of the tornado damage. My friend Crystal and her family lost everything in the first tornado Monday night. We took cover in the closet during the second. It touched down approximately one mile from our house. Yeah, that's the second time in under a year. Please send donations for a storm shelter :o)

The Storm approaching from the west

Funnel cloud over the airport, during the second storm

Tanner was sick again this week with an ear infection and tonsillitis. Luckily, another round of antibiotics is clearing that up nicely. Poor little guy.

I do also have some good news! Jeremy was given a job in the training dept at Chase. So his schedule will be changing again. He'll get to be at home a lot more, so Tanner and I are loving it. In other related work news, I got my DSL kit in the mail yesterday. That just leaves the furniture and my phone and I will be setting up my office here at home. It will be 6 weeks Monday since the furniture was ordered so I am thinking it should be here any day now. Cross your fingers.

I am tired...I worked 60 hours this week. I am taking Monday off for my sanity. But right now, I will leave you to those storm pictures I mentioned and I am going to go and spend some time with my little boy! Hugs and kisses to you all!

Brings new meaning to a Ton of bricks!

Please note this is NOT the same car as in the above picture. This is in downtown Springfield.

Debris and trees everywhere!

This condo was actually damaged by the roof from ANOTHER condo.

This is what is left of Crystal's home in Republic. After ripping the roof off of the elementary school it made it's way over to her subdivision Cottage Place. Her neighbors houses were all untouched!

Another example of how unkind Mother nature can be, one house is completely unscathed and the other is demolished.

Look at the way these trees are leaning!!!

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy 2008

What better way to start the New Year than with a whole new blog layout?? Welcome to 2008 everyone!! Last year, I made no resolutions. Instead, I chose a word that I was going to live by. If you remember, I chose "Fun". And I have to say, I had a lot of fun last year. So much happened. I quit my horrible job, to find one that I adore. Jeremy and I bought our first house. Tanner turned FIVE! It was an amazing and wonderful year.

Last night, as I was cuddling on the couch with my husband, I decided to make this year about "Love". I sometimes take for granted all the wonderful people in my life. They know I love them, but I could still show it more. I also want to extend the love I have for the people in my life to others as well. As you may know, I am NOT a huge lover of people in general. But, I am also the first person to complain that no one has any compassion any more and that people just don't care. This is one example of change needing to start with yourself. So this year, I am going to open my heart and love as I have never loved before. Who knows, maybe it will make a difference.

Today, I am at home loving on my boys. Jeremy is still asleep as we were up way too late. Tanner is right here being oh so cute. His gerbil Daphne died this morning. I'm not really sure what happened, but he is a little sad about it. I promised him a new one.

Happy New Year, all. I love you. I really, really do. I will be praying for blessings to be yours in 2008. I hope that it is the best year ever!