Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy 2008

What better way to start the New Year than with a whole new blog layout?? Welcome to 2008 everyone!! Last year, I made no resolutions. Instead, I chose a word that I was going to live by. If you remember, I chose "Fun". And I have to say, I had a lot of fun last year. So much happened. I quit my horrible job, to find one that I adore. Jeremy and I bought our first house. Tanner turned FIVE! It was an amazing and wonderful year.

Last night, as I was cuddling on the couch with my husband, I decided to make this year about "Love". I sometimes take for granted all the wonderful people in my life. They know I love them, but I could still show it more. I also want to extend the love I have for the people in my life to others as well. As you may know, I am NOT a huge lover of people in general. But, I am also the first person to complain that no one has any compassion any more and that people just don't care. This is one example of change needing to start with yourself. So this year, I am going to open my heart and love as I have never loved before. Who knows, maybe it will make a difference.

Today, I am at home loving on my boys. Jeremy is still asleep as we were up way too late. Tanner is right here being oh so cute. His gerbil Daphne died this morning. I'm not really sure what happened, but he is a little sad about it. I promised him a new one.

Happy New Year, all. I love you. I really, really do. I will be praying for blessings to be yours in 2008. I hope that it is the best year ever!

11 hugs and kisses:

Anonymous said...

Well, since everyone else is throwing food your way....Egg noodles, chicken pot-pie and pumpkin roll. Come get some! I like your new years resolution. I still have not decided on mine yet.

Buffie....I hope your baby boy is big and healthy. I am gonna check out your photos.

As soon as I get my camera back from dallas (don't ask long story) I will get my blog going for all of you.

much love to you all in the new year. by the way its the year of the rat.

Buffie said...

Jackson is doing great. Even the bump on his spine is getting smaller (thank goodness). His hair is now medium brown, I miss the jet black that he had when he was born.

Sierra-Lynn has started showing signs of major jealousy. The other day she unbuckled the seatbeat on his car seat (before we got home), and she hid his gum brush. Finding time for everthing is very very hard, Mark has pretty much taken over cooking (one of my favorite things).

Hope everyone had a great new years. At midnight I was feeding Jackson while Mark and Sierra-Lynn slept. Mark and I didn't even get to crack open our bottle of wine, maybe this weekend.

Anyone who wants to throw food (or anything else) my way, I won't say no.

momndad said...

It appears there is some clarification needed here. Just to be clear - there was NO food thrown anywhere.
My peanut-butter fudge was maliciously stolen with no remorse at all!
When Juli says her new word for the new year is "love". She really means that she is going to "love eating my fudge"!

Just thought we should clear that up.

Anonymous said...

well then, its settled....we are all coming to momndads for scruptious peanut butter fudge! That way we can all "love" on juli and tanner and momndad but most importantly the fudge. It'll be a big comfy lovey dovey fest with oowy goowy fudge. Ha ha Ha.

Juli said...

Again, Mom SAID I could have it. Jeremy just ate the LAST piece. So we are officially out o' fudge. It is a sad sad day here in the Bradshaw home.

Buffie said...

Just wanted to let you know that not only is it the year of the rat, it is also the international year of the potato.

Anonymous said...

great not only are we out of fudge, now we have rats in our potatoes!

momndad said...

There was a sad day in the momndad household this week.
As I went into my office earlier this week, I discovered it was time to remove the "Napoleon Dynamite" wall calendar and replace it with a new calendar displaying pictures of trains.

It was a sad day . . .

Anonymous said...

AWWWWW--I didn't get you a new Napoleon Dynamite calendar this year!!! I can't believe I didn't think of it.

Anonymous said...

Just in case you try to call, our phones have been disconnected. Steve was fired Saturday morning and the basterds already shut off our phones. normally they are suposse to give you 10 days notice before they cut service. There is something very harry about this and the bullshit excuse they used to terminate him.

The full effect of this I don't think has fully sunk in yet. Steve I know is looking forward to the new horizon. Its a new opportunity for him to catch the job that works for us as a family. For me, I am out of my comfort zone for now but I will do what I always do....survive.

Anonymous said...

Juli, I got a mystic tan today. they rock, it looks great. You rub it all in to help dry it and its totally even. I also tanned in a reg bed for seven just before the spray tan. I highly recommend it, so go "love" yourself for a few minutes and get your glow on girl.