Saturday, January 12, 2008

What a week!

As you know, our week here in the area started out with a bang. This is my first opportunity to sit down and post some pictures for you of the tornado damage. My friend Crystal and her family lost everything in the first tornado Monday night. We took cover in the closet during the second. It touched down approximately one mile from our house. Yeah, that's the second time in under a year. Please send donations for a storm shelter :o)

The Storm approaching from the west

Funnel cloud over the airport, during the second storm

Tanner was sick again this week with an ear infection and tonsillitis. Luckily, another round of antibiotics is clearing that up nicely. Poor little guy.

I do also have some good news! Jeremy was given a job in the training dept at Chase. So his schedule will be changing again. He'll get to be at home a lot more, so Tanner and I are loving it. In other related work news, I got my DSL kit in the mail yesterday. That just leaves the furniture and my phone and I will be setting up my office here at home. It will be 6 weeks Monday since the furniture was ordered so I am thinking it should be here any day now. Cross your fingers.

I am tired...I worked 60 hours this week. I am taking Monday off for my sanity. But right now, I will leave you to those storm pictures I mentioned and I am going to go and spend some time with my little boy! Hugs and kisses to you all!

Brings new meaning to a Ton of bricks!

Please note this is NOT the same car as in the above picture. This is in downtown Springfield.

Debris and trees everywhere!

This condo was actually damaged by the roof from ANOTHER condo.

This is what is left of Crystal's home in Republic. After ripping the roof off of the elementary school it made it's way over to her subdivision Cottage Place. Her neighbors houses were all untouched!

Another example of how unkind Mother nature can be, one house is completely unscathed and the other is demolished.

Look at the way these trees are leaning!!!

10 hugs and kisses:

Anonymous said...
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Buffie said...

Is it a good idea to put your phone number on here? You never know who may see this. I'm just saying.

I don't know Crystal, but she is in my prayers. Those same storms past through here without incident. I sat in the recliner with Jackson (sleeping on me) while the torando sirens went off, watching TV. Which is better than what I was doing during our last tornado infested storm (Oct '07), I was in the shower while Mark and Sierra-Lynn watched one form from our front door. Sierra-Lynn thought that it was cool.

Anonymous said...

Well no Its not but I am confident that Jules, will write it down and delete my blog. I should have emailed her, but in my state of constant confusion...well, my bad.

How's that boy doin anyway, Buffie. Kisses from auntie sara

Juli said...

Phone number logged--deletion of comment complete...going back to bed. UGH I have the flu and it is NOOOO fun. Meanwhile, I have lost ten pounds in two days.

Buffie said...

He's doing great, he is up to 10 lbs 6 oz (yeah). I have pictures (lots of them) posted. I on the other hand am having issues chosing a birth control option. I can't even remember to take my vitamin everyday (let alone at the same time each day). Any ideas, anyone?

Buffie said...

I hope you feel better. Get some rest and drink lots of fluids.

NOTE FROM MARK: the government is offering 50/50 grants to those in tornado prone areas to help build storm shelters.

luv ya

Anonymous said...

Thanks Jules, I hope you get better, please remember to drink lots of fluids. They have a new drink at Quik Trip, its water reenforced with vitamins and electrolites. There are lots of yummy flavors.

Buffie, are you breast feeding? If you are, I recommend not taking birth control. A-there are studies showing babies get the hormone effects through you. and by not taking it you allow your body to take its natrual course of mother hood to your new infant.
On the other hand, if your doc, is cool with the birth control, my sis sets her alarm on her phone to remind her to take her birth control. it goes off at 10pm and every one gives her a hard time. Te-he!

Anonymous said...

Juli, I did it! I can top your hand stuck in a desk drawer story....I was making the bed at the sis-n-laws this morning...finished and saw that a hanger was out on the floor, picked it up and walked to the built in wall closet. I made a mental note of the slanted ceiling and told myself to watch my head...Wham! My head jerked back, I heard a pop, I got dizzy, let myself free fall/collapse and Bear just looked at me half concerned but it looked like he wanted to laugh. I said ouww! and thought I saw him point at the indention I left in wall. My neck is very sore and my back hurts a little.

Anonymous said...

OUCH!!! I'm glad you don't have a concussion you goober! Guess what furniture will be here on Wednesday...which means that next Friday just might be my last day in the office (if my router gets here!!) YAY!!!

Anonymous said...

Juli, tell me something good and happy. Please.