Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Roaming Blog

Tonight's blog comes to you from the comfort of my favorite chair in the living room. Jeremy bought a laptop today, and although I had to wait patiently, it is my turn to play. It's a Gateway. That's all I know. Please don't ask me about any of the specs...all I know is it's black...and shiny.

I have been working at home for almost a week now. I L-O-V-E it. I had a sneaking suspicion that I would enjoy it some....but the amount of enjoyment that I get from getting out of bed five minutes before I have to be at work is ridiculous. Today, I stayed in my jammies all day long. It was blissful.

Tanner had to be picked up early today. Pink eye. I don't really know where he got it. It's not going around the school right now. But I am thankful he has it, cause we hadn't paid a co-pay in nearly a month...and I didn't know what to do with our 20 extra dollars. SIGH!

Jeremy bought cinnamon rolls today. I hate him. I have been sooooo good lately. The smell of warm cinnamon was not conducive to my new healthy lifestyle. Since I've been home, I've been walking one to two miles a day. I am gets easier every day to make good decisions instead of bad ones. And I have discovered that I adore dried pineapple. Delicious and nutritious.

Is it freezing where you are?? The air outside is frigid. It's not cool to wake up to temperatures of 62 degrees and then have a windchill of 8 degrees. God is enjoying April's Fools jokes just a tad early, don't you think?

Here is a random tidbit that I have discovered about myself this week. I love the television show House. I think it may be a new fave. I love it so much that I have scheduled my DVR to record every episode of it. I suggest you watch it, it is highly entertaining....makes me want to go into medicine.

I really didn't have anything specific I wanted to tell you all this evening. It's bedtime. I am a very sleepy girl, and 4:30 will come very early in the morning. I love you all. I hope your dreams are sweet and your tomorrows are splendid.

8 hugs and kisses:

Buffie said...

It's nice and chilly here (not that it effects me). We went from almost 70 degrees earlier down to 10 (I think). But when you spend all day in the house with a 7 week old and a five year old, it doesn't bother you.

I also love "House", Mark and I have watched it since it started and own season 1 on DVD. If I ever get REALLY sick, I want a doctor just like him. If interested, you can catch repeat episodes on USA network, Friday nights at 10 as well as some Saturday nights.

I hope that Tanner to gets to feeling better. Jackson is just getting over a swollen tear duct. I week ago half of his little face was red and swollen and even a slight breeze on it hurt him.

momndad said...

Cogratulations on your new laptop! That is exciting!
I am looking online to see if Gateway laptops have the capability of uploading pictures of . . . say . . . grandsons or anything like that?

Anonymous said...

Indeed it does, I can plug my sd card directly into my laptop--I have plans of taking pics of Tanner playing in our snow--he was so excited this morning. Also, we're taking step one to teaching him how to read...wish me luck!

Buffie said...

It's not as hard as you might think to teach them how to read. I used one of those Phonics workbooks. They are sold at Wal*mart as well as K-Mart, Target and many other places. She also has a Leap Frog word whammer. If they know the letter sounds they can sound out almost any word.
Sierra-Lynn can now read about 100 words.

I want a lap top. It would make organizing my recipes easier. I could just put it on the table instead of printing them out.

Anonymous said...

Juli go to office max and get a bright pink stick on laptop cover....they're cute and jeremy will be turned off and the laptop will be all yours. Muhaha ha ha..anyway.

I like the laptop for that same reason that you can plug the pics right in.

Well we are flying to Dallas this saturday morning so look up in the sky sometime and waive. I'll be wishin I had a parachute to jump out and land on your roof. Cause I'm good like that. Ha ah.
This is Bear's first flight.

I miss you, Jules. Much love to all.

momndad said...

where o where did the roaming blog roam to?

Buffie said...

To a sofa far far away, is my guess. (Just kidding Jules, I still luv ya.)

Here is the url for Jackson's personal website. I have entered him in a photo contest (if anyone would like to vote for him).

I hope that Miss Juli comes back soon.

Anonymous said...

Hoolia....Roam your booty back to this blog!