Monday, March 03, 2008

It's Spring...sort of.

Saturday was the first day of Spring. It was glorious. The sun was shining, the skies were blue, and I could finally feel the warmth that I have longed months for. Yesterday was also astoundingly glorious. I awoke to the sunlight streaming in my window and birds singing, and an enthusiastic five year old bouncing on my bed. We spent the day playing t-ball and riding bikes in that wonderful eighty degree weather. Today I opened my eyes and peered out my window to a gray and blustery winter day. The high was thirty four degrees and ice and snow fell from the sky. According to the National Weather Service, we should receive seven more inches of the white stuff by morning. SIGH! Mother Nature hates me.

Despite the yucky weather, my day was pretty good. I began a new job function today after two days of training last week, and I think I did pretty well. They have moved me to something called the "Screen" Queue. The claims require more research and as such my production goal has been dropped from 7.4 claims per hour to 2.1 claims per hour. I am pretty sure I can handle it.

This evening Tanner and I watched a new episode of Sponge Bob. And there is a new episode on every night this week. Please do not attempt to call us at 7:00 pm. We will be occupied. I know, it's the little things that excite us here at Casa de Bradshaw. Speaking of things that are exciting...Tanner has his very first loose tooth. He has requested that I tell ALL. I have considered taking out an ad in the paper, or perhaps purchasing one on billboard. You see, he is five, and he believes that everyone MUST be as excited as he is about it. Oh to be five again.

Other than an impending visit from the tooth fairy, and learning how to do something new at work, there is not much going on with us right now. I have adjusted my hours a little, so I feel like I am working less and seeing my family more, even though the actual number of hours worked is the same. Jeremy remains just as busy. He brought home his schedule for this month. He has four days off...three of them are this week. While he thinks the training position is giving him good experience, I can tell that he is tired. I am proud of my hubby for all his hard work!

It is now 10:30 p.m.--ultimately all that really means is that it is past my bedtime. And I am starting to feel it. When did my age catch up with me....and then pass me and leave me standing, squinting to watch it rapidly speed away? And will I ever catch up before the last lap??? HA! Probably not, I imagine I will hit a wall long before then, or blow all four tires. Oh well! At least I will have fun doing it! Hugs and Kisses to you family and friends. If you have any live chickens to sacrifice to Mother Nature on behalf of Spring I implore you to do so. Otherwise we'll all be buried under a mound of snow.

12 hugs and kisses:

Buffie said...

Spring will be here, soon hopefully. I too am tired of the cold. I walk to take these kids outside, and go on walks (and lose some weight).

Please tell Tanner that the Bennett's are excited for him. It may take awhile for him to lose it though (don't tell him that, I don't want him to be upset with me).

momndad said...

More snow headed to Springfield. The Spring snows provide essential moisture to the soil which brings beautiful flowers in May.
It also helps to provide a layer of insulation to protect tender new root growth from the harsh nighttime temperatures.
Aren't we thankful for these Spring snows?

Anonymous said...

Dear Dad,
I have no beautiful flowers in my yard for which to be thankful. Please come plant them ASAP.

momndad said...

I can't! There is too much snow!
I do, however, have a bunch of stuff that needs delivered to you before we have to move it.

Anonymous said...

You should bring it with you on your trip to Branson...which is so very very close to my house. Then you'll HAVE to stop. Your Grandson is sick AGAIN. And so are his Mom and Dad. We need a nap. OOH, I want you guys to be praying for Sara. She's having a really rough time right now and could use it, and I know she would appreciate it!

Anonymous said...

Send prayers to my son Barron. And then send me prayers. Steve and I are going through with divorce, but steve and his family have been keeping Barron from me. Julie has all the details as to why arleady, but I want it known that Steve Henke is no fit father for Barron and is nothing more than an immoral bucket of slim for his actions. I need a car....If anyone knows someone please ask for me. I have no money to my name and need to get to future: job, college, court herings, apointments and much more. I am desparate and I can not function with out my little boy in my life.

Buffie said...

My prayers are with you, Sarabeth. I can't imagine what I would do if I couldn't be with my babies. I know that things will work themselves out. They have to, have faith.

Juli, did you forget to get "airborne"? Or did Jeremy bring it home? That's what happened here, Mark's boss gave him the flu, Jackson and Sierra-Lynn caught colds and I haven't had my voice for a week and a half. I'm sick of it.

Anonymous said...

We did the Airborne thing last didn't work, so I didn't even bother this year. We just keep passing it back and forth. But I think we're finally getting better. OOOH and Tanner got FIVE dollars from the tooth fairy! He was so excited!

momndad said...

Is FIVE dollars enough to make it to Papa's house?

Buffie said...

Mark wants to know how many teeth he lost? He is trying to figure out the going rate for the tooth fairy, and Sierra-Lynn doesn't even have any loose teeth yet.

Anonymous said...

LOL--he only lost one tooth, but because it was his very first tooth we wanted to make it special and memorable for him. Next time we're dropping it to a dollar, but have decided to also get him either a new toothbrush, or some flavored dental floss, something like that. And we will be at Papa's house very soon!

Linda said...

you should write a book juli