Sunday, April 27, 2008

One Man's Trash...

I have been assessing some of the rooms in the house the last week and have come to the conclusion that it may be time to do some spring cleaning. Let me take you on a tour and you can tell me what you think.

First we will head to my bedroom. Upon first entering everything looks normal. You see my vanity with the music boxes on top. To your immediate right is Jeremy's nightstand looking very uncluttered with just his lamp and alarm clock on it. So far so good. On the other side of the bed is MY nightstand. AHEM...three almost empty liter bottles of key lime flavored water, one half full (I am trying to be positive) bottle of green tea, four hair ties, my lamp, my alarm clock, and three books, ALL of which I am reading. Jeremy MIGHT have mentioned something about all the water just sitting there....I MIGHT have sarcastically replied that I was afraid Aliens were coming and that I was just trying to protect the family in "Signs" fashion. I don't think he believed me. Whatever, that's his problem, the aliens will probably get him first.

Moving into my closet you see Jeremy's clothes neatly hung up on his side, shoes placed precisely on the shoe rack. On MY side of the closet, the clothes are also hung neatly...except for the neatly folded (yeah right!) stack of clothes sitting on the shelf next to the towels. Underneath that shelf is my shoe rack. Most of the shoes are on it as they are supposed to be. Except for the fourteen pair that are in my living room. None of which I will ever be able to wear again since Chloe decided that one shoe from each pair should be destroyed. I cannot throw them away though, because they are ALL my favorite pair. On top of my shoe rack, where shoes should be are my two scales. My new one, which works beautifully, and my old one, which doesn't really turn on anymore. But I might need it, so I can't get rid of it. Don't argue, I will win that argument. Just ask my husband.

The bathroom looks really good. I am not allowed to clutter the counter, and I have a roll away cart for my three hundred dollars worth of cosmetics, lotions and hair care products that I don't use. The cosmetics,lotions and hair care products that I DO use are placed neatly under the sink. REALLY. I fear that if the cabinet under the sink was messy, then my husband would throw my things away, and I would be lost. So this part of my bathroom is just as it should be. There is, however, still the shower to deal with. I honestly have no good excuse for my three almost empty tubes of conditioner, the two COMPLETELY empty bottles of shampoo, the four different types of exfoliaters and shower gels, and the three razors I no longer use. It's kind of sad really. I told Jeremy while we were at Walmart this afternoon that I needed some conditioner. He gave me the death look, so I didn't say another word.

I really think that what I have mentioned above is a whole day's worth of cleaning and organizing. And I haven't even delved into my office yet...or the kitchen cabinet where I keep medicine and vitamins and other things of that nature, or the dreaded totes in the garage. I am a mess, people. I mean, you're not going to walk into my house and say "ACK, it's a pigsty!" Because it's not. But there are areas that you don't get to see that could use some work. How do normal people find the time to clean, and do laundry, and work, and play with their children, and cook healthy meals for the family that they love. HOW???? I think I was absent on the day that those genes were being handed out. Oh well, we get by, and I suppose that's all that matters when the day is over. Eventually, I will get to everything. I will throw away the things that need to be thrown away, and maybe I'll even have a garage sale for the things that I can't bear to throw in the much do you suppose I can get for a completely empty bottle of shampoo??

And now I must dash. I could clean...but there's a "House" Marathon on today, and I do adore that man!!! Hugs and Kisses from your favorite pack rat! :o)

5 hugs and kisses:

momndad said...

And you had the AUDACITY, while you were here to take our grandson away from us who was having a great time, to even mention that I might hang on to things because of a few very necessary boxes of valuable wiring components?

Buffie said...

Tackle it 15 minutes at a time. That's what all of the "organization" articles say. That's not to say that everyone can take 15 minutes a day to do it, but whatever.

momndad said...

Ok, here is my suggestion . . . send Tanner to live in Kansas. Throw everything in his room and close the door.
Nobody will be able to see it and everyone is happy!

Juli said...

jBoth of those ideas are good...but neither are gonna happen. :)

Juli said...

ummm--by the way, the j before the b in my last comment is silent. Sorry, I've been up since 5:00AM, my fingers are too tired to type correctly.