Thursday, May 08, 2008

The Roaming Blog: Late Night Edition

It's May. Flowers are blooming, the days are finally warmer, and I am much too busy to enjoy any of it. May is one of those crazy months in which I feel overwhelmed knowing that yet another important day is right around the corner. This month we have Mother's Day (I still have not purchased a card for my own wonderful Mother), my brother's birthday, my mother's birthday, various graduation ceremonies of family members, weddings of friends, and then my own wedding anniversary, and Memorial Day. This year, I thought it would be fun to throw in Tanner's Pre-K summer school. Why not, it's just one more thing to remember. I have to say, I am ready for June to be here. I look at my list of things to do, and places to go and I get tired. YOU are probably tired from reading the list too! I decided that I should probably just take it one day at a time. Please forgive me should I forget or delay a birthday, or a graduation card. It is not intentional.

Things I am loving right now:
1. My new Cucumber Melon shampoo and conditioner (shhhh don't tell Jeremy, I don't think he has noticed the extra bottles yet)

2. The new Sierra Mist Undercover Commercial featuring the Rock (who will play Agent 23 in the movie I can't wait to see YUMMY!)

3. THESE yummy AND healthy treats

4. And last but not least, YOU, oh wonderful blog readers.

Things that are annoying me to no end:
1. HIS existence (I never said I was nice)

2. HER existence (at least they are both FINALLY gone!)

3. And most of all, the fact that I need a pedicure in a bad bad way...I want pretty toes.

The last week has been rough on yours truly. Last week, I began taking the Metformin my doctor prescribed me. That's the one that will control my insulin. Oh people! I would not wish the side effects on my worst enemy. Food has not been my friend. Everything I eat turns against me. I thought at first that I would take the advice of some people that have been on the medication for awhile and not eat very many carbohydrates. It didn't work. I then decided that maybe my body was rebelling because I was depriving it of foods that it is used to. Nope, not so. It's EVERYTHING....even water. Tomorrow, I am supposed to transition to taking TWO of these devil pills each day. Laugh with me. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I am going to wait until Saturday to attempt that. Then, if it doesn't go well, I won't be working, and Tanner will take care of me. Right?? Maybe Mom should pack a bag and head this way...just in case.

It's 11:40. Jeremy is watching NBA basketball (I hate March -June), and I am falling asleep as I type this. So it's off to beddy-bye for me. Good night to all you people that are crazy enough to still be awake. I will talk at you again soon!

5 hugs and kisses:

momndad said...

I hate to always be the one to put things back in perspective for you but, here in Anthony KS, as well as a town near you there are many people in Nursing, Care Facilities, or whatever they are called who have nothing to do, nobody to go see, no appointments to make, no calendar to keep, no birthday cards to mail or graduation ceremonies to attend.
I'm not meaning to be negative but . . . consider the alternative.
btw . . . May is very busy for us as well! We are expected to drive 5 hours each way to attend a 30 minute preschool graduation! :)

Anonymous said...

Drive fast, I bet you could make it in 4 1/2 hours.

Buffie said...

I hope that you get to feeling better. (Be careful of that medication, my sis-in-law was on it and it can act like a fertility drug.)

Tell Tanner that we congratulate him on Graduating Preschool, Sierra-Lynn had her Kindergarten graduation tonight. She was so cute.

A note to MOMNDAD: Are you really complaining about driving to see your grandbaby? I can see complaining about gas prices, but I'm sure that Juli will let you stay at her place a night or two (maybe even a week or two the way she feels). ;)

momndad said...

Oh! The emphasis was not clear on my last statement. The emphasis was "only 30 minutes".

We're not going to turn this into the "bashing dad" blog are we? :)

I actually posted a rather long post about all the medication and not feeling well and all but it didn't post and I had to leave for Wellington so I did not retype it.

I am sorry you are not feeling well. I truly hope some of this treatment helps.

Besides being Mother's Day, Sunday is also Pentecost! I have a wonderful message prepared in celebration of the feast of Pentecost. I am sure a pastor in your areas does as well. It would be a great Sunday for all to be in church.

Anonymous said...

Buffie,(Men folk may not want to read this)

The reason it appears to act as a fertility drug is very interesting. When you are a female who is insulin resistant, your body can quit producing eggs. When you begin controlling your insulin all of the symptoms start to disappear. You lose weight and magically your body begins ovulating again. And Voila, women who have had problems getting pregnant find themselves with child. Sometimes this medicine is the "miracle drug" that these women have been searching for. I, however, am not concerned. I have an IUD AND am taking Birth control. All should be well.

No Dad bashing allowed. He would just rather be here when he could stay and play for a few days.

We're hoping to make it to NPC on Sunday, Pastor Tommy is in the middle of his "Identity Theft" series, but Tanner is sick. I had to go pick him up early at school yesterday :( Fever and tummy troubles. He slept with me last night and Jeremy was banished to the couch. He is feeling very yucky...poor little guy.