Saturday, March 29, 2008


As most of you already know, this past week I was diagnosed with PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome). I already knew, having done all of my own research. But when your doctor actually says it, it is almost like a sentence is being handed down to you. Congratulations, you have a life long disease!! I am not scared. I can honestly say, I am not even upset about it. Instead, I am relieved that there is finally an answer to a million questions that I have had about myself. I lucked out with something that I have direct control of...and darn it all, I will be controlling it. Tomorrow, I begin a Birth control pill on TOP of my IUD. Grandparents, there is NO chance of a second grandchild happening "accidentally". In a couple of weeks, I begin Metformin for insulin resistance, and next week I am seeing a doctor about some of these unwanted pounds that piled on. I am hoping that with some time, I can look and feel like the old me again. I know that dealing with this everyday, will make me a stronger person. I am trying to learn as much about the disease as I possibly can...after all, knowledge is power. I have to say, Jeremy has been absolutely amazing the last few weeks. He is truly my knight in shining armour. He has listened to me ramble and wants to learn as much about it as possible and is even tolerating my low carb law. How many men do you know would do THAT??? God has blessed me with an amazing support system of friends and family. Because of you all, I can accept what is inevitable and hold my head up high.

This weekend, I am lucky enough to have both of my boys home. Jeremy got his first Saturday off in six months or so. We spent some time in Republic today, and then came home for a nice long nap, and then headed into Nixa for some grass seed. Tomorrow afternoon we are planning on spending some time in the back yard doing what we can to make it lush and green. I hope we don't get rained on all day!

My allergies are getting the best of me right now...and my head feels like it is being squeezed by a vice. So I am going to bid you all adieu for now and go make myself an omelet. I plan on taking some pictures tomorrow, so stay tuned for those. But for now, I will leave you with these :o)

Tanner giving Deanna's new puppy Chauncy a kiss. He is SOOOO cute!

Deanna holding her new puppy as Rocky checks him out.

My boys looking devilishly handsome!

Swing Batter Batter Swing!!

4 hugs and kisses:

Buffie said...

The Bennett's are here if you need us.

Buffie said...

P.S. You are not hopeless. Just pick something that you love to do and there's your hobby. Luv ya.

Buffie said...

I just wanted to let everyone know that I had to make my blog private. My sister-in-law Dee Dee and husband threw a fit about the mere mention of their daughter's first name on it and told me to remove or change all of their names. With over 125 posts, and 2 children, I don't have the time (nor the desire) to change anything. I don't really feel that I have to, I removed their last name and pictures, but they still aren't happy, oh well.

Just thought I'd let you know the real reason, Jules.

Buffie said...


Where did you do? We miss you.