Friday, August 01, 2008


....some T-ball pictures. Tanner has been playing T-ball for two weeks. On Monday night, we head to the ball field here in town and watch the hysterics as this amazing group of 3-5 year olds do their best to get the basics of the game down. They are all so cute. Tanner is AWESOME...and that's just not Mommy talk folks! Every time he bats or throws the ball, I hear people whispering things like "Whose kid is that?", "Wow, he's got an arm", or "Look how far he just hit that ball!" Last Monday I was so proud when the ball he hit went sailing over everyones heads and into right-center. That's my boy!!!

Next week I will remember to get a video of him batting and running the bases so you can share in my pride!

We had a much better week here at Casa de Bradshaw. Rocky was sick for a few days and we were pretty worried, but it turned out to be doggy flu and he has made a full recovery. Tanner also has a new dog named Scooby (guess who named him) who we rescued.

Scooby is a Golden Retriever/Australian Shepard mix. He is seven months old and potty trained, although he has had a couple of accidents in the house when I missed him prancing at the door. He is a 27 pound baby!!! We don't think he will get much bigger and have decided to keep him inside. I am too scared to send him out into the yard...I'm just paranoid. Scooby LOVES squeaky toys and Tanner loves throwing them to him. Truffles loves her new playmate, so everyone is happy. And speaking of Truffles...isn't she adorable?? I love her!

1 hugs and kisses:

Buffie said...

So cute!!!!