Monday, February 26, 2007

Tonight, I will SLEEP

Today, I finished my audits. There was a magnificent sense of completion. I love knowing that I started this gi-normous project and did all of it, without help from anyone. For the last three weeks, I have dreamed of numbers and missing invoices and computer crashes...but tonight I will sleep well. Speaking of work related stuff, Janet quit today. She walked out in a huff after having said what the rest of us would like to say to our boss. Chyna, Lisa and I helped her carry her things out to her car, wishing that we were packing up our desks too. GOOD FOR HER!

Tanner and I had a nice weekend. Saturday he helped me bake cookies. He really enjoys being my little helper. Then we just kind of lounged around. I also got to see Jeremy this weekend. He has been working so much that we just kind of pass each other on a daily basis. Sara, he did mention that he would stay home so he could see you this weekend. I think he likes you more than me ;-)

And since I am talking about people who are liked more than me...Everyday when I pick Tanner up from Carol's house we have a ritual we go through. As I am buckling him in his car seat, he always asks me, "Who's your favorite boy?" I say, "Tanner." Then I ask, "Who's your favorite girl?" And he says "Mommy." We've been doing this for a long time's just a habit. Today, we got all the way to me asking him who his favorite girl was and he said "Dixie." Aunt Dixie has stolen his heart with one phone call. No one else matters now. I am fairly certain that if you called to talk to him and didn't have a sweet southern accent he might hang up on you. Sorry.

Well, Jeremy just walked in the door which means I have about an hour to talk to him before I go to bed, so I am off to visit with my hubby. Night night.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

It's Happening!!

I think that I am getting old. I am mildly disturbed by this. I don't feel old, but apparently there are signs that indicate that I am no "spring chicken". Let me give you a few examples of what I mean.

1. Three years ago, the magazines I received in the mail were trendy and up to date...Cosmo, Vogue, Shape. Today, I received something called "Midnight Velvet" that showcases gaudy dresses, jewelry, and shoes. Everything in the magazine has beads on it or shoulder pads...I kid you not. And I have looked through it three times.

2. A cute guy called me ma'am today. Yup. I was so shocked I couldn't respond...I think he assumed my silence meant I was hard of hearing since he repeated what he had just asked me...only louder.

3. I have used Flex-All more than once this week. I suspect Jeremy thinks I have made a poor choice on some new perfume.

4. My last pair of shoes were purchased from an orthopedic store...they go with nothing and I wear them with everything.

5. I am empathetic to the plights of "The Golden Girls".

6. We are planning our five year anniversary trip, and I suggested seeing a Gospel show and a trip to a museum.

7. I am constantly looking for ways to get more fiber in my diet.

8. I have been watching movies...on Lifetime.

9. I enjoyed them.

10. And last but certainly NOT least, this morning an eighty year old woman with road rage and steel blue hair cut me off and used some inappropriate hand signals because I was going too slow.

It is official, I am pathetic and have no life outside my family and work. I am out of touch with the world around me...I am NOT fun. SIGH!!! I need a pick me up. Perhaps a visit from a friend, or a night out on the town. Sara, if you don't come see me, I may be doomed. I'll give you directions. We can go get Chinese food. Steve and Jeremy can go play pool and we'll do young, hip girly things. That is...if my hip isn't broken by then. SAVE ME!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

™ - Cartoon Dolls, Cute Disney Graphics, Saniro Graphics, Myspace Pictures, Myspace Codes, Myspace Layouts, Myspace goodies, Myspace stuff and more ! ™

Ah, L'amour!! Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!! I hope that each one of you is lucky enough to be with the one you love today.


Sunday, February 11, 2007

February Fun!

Since fun is what I am all about lately, there was plenty to be had today if you were with the Bradshaws. I got to sleep in this morning--which for me is GREAT fun and almost unheard of. Jeremy and Tanner got up this morning and had some play time and Mommy snored the morning away. I got up at ten and got us ready for the noon service of church.

Tanner has been very reluctant to leave Mom's side and hasn't wanted to go to Children's Church. Today Shelly and I convinced him that he would have much more fun with minimal tears, he went. Today's service was as good as the rest of them, and was the last sermon in "The Winning Hand" series. Next week we start a series called "Help." I am really looking forward to it.

After church, the Bradshaw family and Shelly went to Chuck E Cheese for lunch. It was Tanner's reward for being so super good all week long. Not that he isn't ALWAYS a perfect angel...but this week he was extra special perfect. It was very comical to watch the afternoon play out. Tanner ate his pizza and ran off to play in the jungle gym and left us adults to figure out how to get rid of eight bazillion tokens. Shelly and Jeremy fought off six year olds and played games until they were sick of them. I supervised Tanner and about eight other seemingly parentless children in the play area. One little boy, who looked to be about three came up to me and asked me if I had seen his Mommy. I wanted to cry. After three and a half hours we had finally had enough and left. Tanner had a great time...and I think Jeremy and Shelly did too. Kids at heart those two.

Currently, I am all tuckered out. Jeremy and Tanner have crashed on the couch, and I think I am going to head for bed early this evening. But NOT before I ask for volunteers to drive to Springfield on Memorial Day weekend. I need a if any of you know ANYONE who might be willing to spend some time with an incredibly cute and cuddly four year old who just happens to think that his Nana and Papa are the best in the whole wide world, let me know. We can make a deal.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Just Tanner

Chillin' In the Fort!

Tanner Loves Cirrus

Please sir, May I have some more?

I AM sitting!!

Sweet Dreams, Angel of Mine.

Everyone say a prayer for my tired, sick boy. Look how raw his nose is! Poor little man! I think he needs some of Nana's soup.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Winter Wedding

Today, Jeremy's younger cousin Kayla got married. Since the batteries in my camera died, I do not yet have any actual pictures of the wedding, but it was very nice. Kayla and Kurt had the ceremony at Drury Chapel (which was FREEZING). It was one of those short but sweet ceremonies that wedding guests everywhere have come to love. Jeremy and I got a good laugh at the minister's expense. It was very obvious that he had just met the couple (I think he was included with the chapel rental). And he had the bad habit of between.....his words. Tanner was on his best behavior, even though he was having the hardest time sitting still. He was also having a bit of a problem understanding why he wasn't the center of Kayla's attention. But Jeremy and I promised him a party at a Castle if he would behave...and we delivered.

The wedding reception was at Pythian Castle, and I have to say, it was wonderful. I am DEFINITELY going back soon to take a tour of the place. They occasionally have Murder Mystery dinners there, and I am more than ready to take part in one. Anyone care to join me?? It would be a blast. Anyway, back to the reception. Tanner thought it was the coolest thing in the world that he got to go to a castle and dance with girl in pretty dresses. Jeremy and I just sat back and watched him in action. He's a lady killer that one. SIGH. What am I going to do when he gets in school?

So since I was at the wedding today, that means I missed the Auto show and consequently Pedro. Sorry Dad. But I wanted you to have a little something enjoy!!! And for the rest of you who may not be as into Napoleon Dynamite as Dad is...sorry. I love you all, and will be back soon.