Monday, February 26, 2007

Tonight, I will SLEEP

Today, I finished my audits. There was a magnificent sense of completion. I love knowing that I started this gi-normous project and did all of it, without help from anyone. For the last three weeks, I have dreamed of numbers and missing invoices and computer crashes...but tonight I will sleep well. Speaking of work related stuff, Janet quit today. She walked out in a huff after having said what the rest of us would like to say to our boss. Chyna, Lisa and I helped her carry her things out to her car, wishing that we were packing up our desks too. GOOD FOR HER!

Tanner and I had a nice weekend. Saturday he helped me bake cookies. He really enjoys being my little helper. Then we just kind of lounged around. I also got to see Jeremy this weekend. He has been working so much that we just kind of pass each other on a daily basis. Sara, he did mention that he would stay home so he could see you this weekend. I think he likes you more than me ;-)

And since I am talking about people who are liked more than me...Everyday when I pick Tanner up from Carol's house we have a ritual we go through. As I am buckling him in his car seat, he always asks me, "Who's your favorite boy?" I say, "Tanner." Then I ask, "Who's your favorite girl?" And he says "Mommy." We've been doing this for a long time's just a habit. Today, we got all the way to me asking him who his favorite girl was and he said "Dixie." Aunt Dixie has stolen his heart with one phone call. No one else matters now. I am fairly certain that if you called to talk to him and didn't have a sweet southern accent he might hang up on you. Sorry.

Well, Jeremy just walked in the door which means I have about an hour to talk to him before I go to bed, so I am off to visit with my hubby. Night night.

5 hugs and kisses:

Anonymous said...

Well can I just cheer you up...we just booked our hotel room at the Clarion hotel located at 3333 s. Glennstone. uh-huh! Got a great to I might add. I know you offered your home to us, but trust me it will be better off for all this way...PLUS, we can all go swimming. By that I mean, the boys can take the kids swimming. Cause you and I will be sippin on some much needed sour amerreto's we can even get wild and double up on the cherry's! I am so friggin excited!! Buffie get your sweet ass to Springfield and come share the fun and extra cherries with us, as juli says...that's an order!

Anonymous said...

YEAH!!!! I can't wait--that's right by where we used to live! Remember we were always talking about sneaking over to use the hot tub? So what night(s)will you be in??

Buffie said...

I would if I could, but alas we have but 1 car that works (and only when it wants to). That and I did something stupid, while I was busy taking care of my mother-in-law my lisence expired and I have yet to get it renewed (for the record that was 1 year and 8 months (almost) ago). So legally I can't drive.

Mark is getting a 4 four day weekend soon, though.

Anonymous said...

Oh my dear Buffie, I would drive you to get a new one. Get that done sweety, because you, Juli and I must get together and have a real girls night.

Anonymous said...

Oh my dear Buffie, I would drive you to get a new one. Get that done sweety, because you, Juli and I must get together and have a real girls night.