Tuesday, February 20, 2007

It's Happening!!

I think that I am getting old. I am mildly disturbed by this. I don't feel old, but apparently there are signs that indicate that I am no "spring chicken". Let me give you a few examples of what I mean.

1. Three years ago, the magazines I received in the mail were trendy and up to date...Cosmo, Vogue, Shape. Today, I received something called "Midnight Velvet" that showcases gaudy dresses, jewelry, and shoes. Everything in the magazine has beads on it or shoulder pads...I kid you not. And I have looked through it three times.

2. A cute guy called me ma'am today. Yup. I was so shocked I couldn't respond...I think he assumed my silence meant I was hard of hearing since he repeated what he had just asked me...only louder.

3. I have used Flex-All more than once this week. I suspect Jeremy thinks I have made a poor choice on some new perfume.

4. My last pair of shoes were purchased from an orthopedic store...they go with nothing and I wear them with everything.

5. I am empathetic to the plights of "The Golden Girls".

6. We are planning our five year anniversary trip, and I suggested seeing a Gospel show and a trip to a museum.

7. I am constantly looking for ways to get more fiber in my diet.

8. I have been watching movies...on Lifetime.

9. I enjoyed them.

10. And last but certainly NOT least, this morning an eighty year old woman with road rage and steel blue hair cut me off and used some inappropriate hand signals because I was going too slow.

It is official, I am pathetic and have no life outside my family and work. I am out of touch with the world around me...I am NOT fun. SIGH!!! I need a pick me up. Perhaps a visit from a friend, or a night out on the town. Sara, if you don't come see me, I may be doomed. I'll give you directions. We can go get Chinese food. Steve and Jeremy can go play pool and we'll do young, hip girly things. That is...if my hip isn't broken by then. SAVE ME!

4 hugs and kisses:

Anonymous said...

Have no fear, Sara is here. I my be covered in baby spit up, but that won't stop me. I am gonna pick up a pot of wax and all the polish I can find. I can dig through all the remaining Mary Kay products and bring those. A few flicks, a bucket of Ben & Jerry's, and I think we're set. Honey, let me remind're not old until you join the "Red Hatter's." And even they have fun! I just can't wait to see you!

Buffie said...

First, throw that awful magazine away and pick up a copy of Cosmo. The next time that someone calls you that offensive word, smack 'em, and don't worry about liking the movies on Lifetime. I do to, I just don't get to watch them anymore. I've heard it said that you are only has old has you feel, so throw on those shoes that go with nothing and hit the pavement, you'll feel better in no time.
If you want a recommendation on a flick to watch when Sara stops by I recommend "The Marine". I just wish I could be there to watch it with you guys.

Anonymous said...

Oh Buffie, I wish you could come to! That would be a blast...You would love Miss Sara as much as I do. Next weekend...Right Sara?

Anonymous said...

I am your mailman...come rain or shine, steve or no steve, I will be there.