Saturday, February 03, 2007

Winter Wedding

Today, Jeremy's younger cousin Kayla got married. Since the batteries in my camera died, I do not yet have any actual pictures of the wedding, but it was very nice. Kayla and Kurt had the ceremony at Drury Chapel (which was FREEZING). It was one of those short but sweet ceremonies that wedding guests everywhere have come to love. Jeremy and I got a good laugh at the minister's expense. It was very obvious that he had just met the couple (I think he was included with the chapel rental). And he had the bad habit of between.....his words. Tanner was on his best behavior, even though he was having the hardest time sitting still. He was also having a bit of a problem understanding why he wasn't the center of Kayla's attention. But Jeremy and I promised him a party at a Castle if he would behave...and we delivered.

The wedding reception was at Pythian Castle, and I have to say, it was wonderful. I am DEFINITELY going back soon to take a tour of the place. They occasionally have Murder Mystery dinners there, and I am more than ready to take part in one. Anyone care to join me?? It would be a blast. Anyway, back to the reception. Tanner thought it was the coolest thing in the world that he got to go to a castle and dance with girl in pretty dresses. Jeremy and I just sat back and watched him in action. He's a lady killer that one. SIGH. What am I going to do when he gets in school?

So since I was at the wedding today, that means I missed the Auto show and consequently Pedro. Sorry Dad. But I wanted you to have a little something enjoy!!! And for the rest of you who may not be as into Napoleon Dynamite as Dad is...sorry. I love you all, and will be back soon.

3 hugs and kisses:

Buffie said...

Just name the time and place and I'll find a way to be there, a murder mystery in a castle sounds like tons of fun and I NEED fun.

Anonymous said...

LOL--Dad you crack me up. And by the way "heck yes I did!"

Juli said...

Buffie, I'll have to send you some info about the murder mystery thing--I hear you on the needing fun thing--us Mommies have to stick together you know!