Saturday, March 29, 2008


As most of you already know, this past week I was diagnosed with PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome). I already knew, having done all of my own research. But when your doctor actually says it, it is almost like a sentence is being handed down to you. Congratulations, you have a life long disease!! I am not scared. I can honestly say, I am not even upset about it. Instead, I am relieved that there is finally an answer to a million questions that I have had about myself. I lucked out with something that I have direct control of...and darn it all, I will be controlling it. Tomorrow, I begin a Birth control pill on TOP of my IUD. Grandparents, there is NO chance of a second grandchild happening "accidentally". In a couple of weeks, I begin Metformin for insulin resistance, and next week I am seeing a doctor about some of these unwanted pounds that piled on. I am hoping that with some time, I can look and feel like the old me again. I know that dealing with this everyday, will make me a stronger person. I am trying to learn as much about the disease as I possibly can...after all, knowledge is power. I have to say, Jeremy has been absolutely amazing the last few weeks. He is truly my knight in shining armour. He has listened to me ramble and wants to learn as much about it as possible and is even tolerating my low carb law. How many men do you know would do THAT??? God has blessed me with an amazing support system of friends and family. Because of you all, I can accept what is inevitable and hold my head up high.

This weekend, I am lucky enough to have both of my boys home. Jeremy got his first Saturday off in six months or so. We spent some time in Republic today, and then came home for a nice long nap, and then headed into Nixa for some grass seed. Tomorrow afternoon we are planning on spending some time in the back yard doing what we can to make it lush and green. I hope we don't get rained on all day!

My allergies are getting the best of me right now...and my head feels like it is being squeezed by a vice. So I am going to bid you all adieu for now and go make myself an omelet. I plan on taking some pictures tomorrow, so stay tuned for those. But for now, I will leave you with these :o)

Tanner giving Deanna's new puppy Chauncy a kiss. He is SOOOO cute!

Deanna holding her new puppy as Rocky checks him out.

My boys looking devilishly handsome!

Swing Batter Batter Swing!!

Sunday, March 16, 2008


Date: Sunday March 16th
Time: 8:49 pm
General Mood: ANNOYED

Apparently I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. I dislike people more than I usually do if that is at all possible. Wal-Mart today wasn't too terrible....if we're comparing it to say...being gored in the chest by an angry bull. People have no manners, they block the aisle with their three carts and their thirteen children, and when you look at them and smile and say excuse me, they stare back at you as if you have said something offensive. I managed to stay quiet and shop with the minions and not say anything that I would regret. That does not mean that I didn't think it.

At some point while shopping in Wal-Mart, we decided that it would be a good idea to have Pizza Hut for lunch. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Boy, were we wrong. Republic has what has to be the world's smallest Pizza Hut. Maximum Capacity is 23 1/2. There were probably 75 people crammed in the restaurant. Our second brilliant idea came when we decided to have the lunch buffet. Jeremy waited, literally, thirty minutes before they brought out a Pizza. People descended on the pizza (one poor ham and pineapple that had NO idea what it's fate was) as if they were vultures. By the time Jeremy elbowed his way to the buffet (which was approximately seven feet from our table) all that was left was a stray pineapple. The carnage was horrendous. We finally did get to eat, but I kid you not when I say that the entire time we were eating SOMEONE was standing over us. The Cash register line went right past our table. Pizza loving rednecks stood next to us, gawking, as if we were the main event at a tractor pull and they were the crazed spectators. I think I heard people placing bets on whether Jeremy would be able to finish his slice of pepperoni. I have never been so happy to leave a place in my entire life.

After that, we came home, drained, and took a nap. The rest of the day has been much better, but anytime I have to deal with the general "Public", it leaves me annoyed. I do NOT enjoy people. Thank God that tomorrow I can go back to work in my hole in the wall and enjoy the peace and quiet that it my job. I am going for twenty hours of OT this week. Wish me luck. Talk to you all soon. Love you!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

What a dreary, rainy day! I can't really complain too much I guess, it's been a beautiful week here in the Ozarks, but I was indoors, working. Tanner and I had big Park plans today, but I think that will have to wait until next weekend. We had a great week here, although some of it was kind of long. I was trying to get in 15 hours of overtime that didn't translate to me working on Saturday. I did it, but it made for a couple of really long days. I am still trying to get a schedule worked out. I know the hours I WANT to work. But I am not very disciplined yet when it comes to going to bed and getting up when I am supposed to. And if you don't go to bed until Midnight, then 5:30 AM is NOT the best time for your alarm to be waking you. I'll get the hang of this working from home thing....I promise.

Aside from Tanner losing his tooth, there was not a whole lot of excitement here. The weather, as previously stated, was gorgeous. I sat on the deck a couple of days and had lunch. And our back yard finally dried up a little bit so Tanner could play in it. Of course, now it is a mud pit again. We need more grass back there! I wish my father would recommend some good grass seed and tell me when the best time to lay it is. I know nothing about my yard. Except that it is a work in progress. I know we haven't been here very long, but I also know the importance of having curbside appeal. And in five or six years when I decide to sell my house, I want it snatched off the market. A beautiful yard will help out with that. I told Jeremy that one of the first things that has to happen is some kind of edging for our landscape. The cheap black stuff they put in drives me crazy! It is very unattractive. I think my mom convinced me that I need a Japanese Maple right in the think that's what she said. SEE, I am bad at this stuff!

I have decided that I need a hobby. I don't know what, just something. Maybe it's time to take photography a bit more seriously, or buy a sewing machine and pray that the gods of domesticity will suddenly bless me with magical sewing powers. All I know is that I cannot be here in the house 24 hours a day and have nothing to do. I'll go bonkers. I would take up baking, but I fear that the outcome of that would be a larger pant size for all of us. Heaven forbid! I am much too impatient to crochet, we already tried that one. It lasted about five minutes. I want something cool, so that when I tell people what my hobby is they are actually interested. Any suggestions? Please don't suggest anything life threatening, like sky diving or bungee jumping. Keep in mind that you are talking to ME.

I wish I had fun new things to update you on. Sadly I do not. Hopefully, the upcoming week will bring some excitement our way...if not I'll have to start making up stories. Infinitely more fun to be sure...but you would NEVER believe me, and I would kind of like to stick with the truth. Tanner is yelling at me from the living room, and it's getting close to time for some soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. So I will sign off for now. Hugs and Kisses, Loves and Misses.

Monday, March 03, 2008

It's Spring...sort of.

Saturday was the first day of Spring. It was glorious. The sun was shining, the skies were blue, and I could finally feel the warmth that I have longed months for. Yesterday was also astoundingly glorious. I awoke to the sunlight streaming in my window and birds singing, and an enthusiastic five year old bouncing on my bed. We spent the day playing t-ball and riding bikes in that wonderful eighty degree weather. Today I opened my eyes and peered out my window to a gray and blustery winter day. The high was thirty four degrees and ice and snow fell from the sky. According to the National Weather Service, we should receive seven more inches of the white stuff by morning. SIGH! Mother Nature hates me.

Despite the yucky weather, my day was pretty good. I began a new job function today after two days of training last week, and I think I did pretty well. They have moved me to something called the "Screen" Queue. The claims require more research and as such my production goal has been dropped from 7.4 claims per hour to 2.1 claims per hour. I am pretty sure I can handle it.

This evening Tanner and I watched a new episode of Sponge Bob. And there is a new episode on every night this week. Please do not attempt to call us at 7:00 pm. We will be occupied. I know, it's the little things that excite us here at Casa de Bradshaw. Speaking of things that are exciting...Tanner has his very first loose tooth. He has requested that I tell ALL. I have considered taking out an ad in the paper, or perhaps purchasing one on billboard. You see, he is five, and he believes that everyone MUST be as excited as he is about it. Oh to be five again.

Other than an impending visit from the tooth fairy, and learning how to do something new at work, there is not much going on with us right now. I have adjusted my hours a little, so I feel like I am working less and seeing my family more, even though the actual number of hours worked is the same. Jeremy remains just as busy. He brought home his schedule for this month. He has four days off...three of them are this week. While he thinks the training position is giving him good experience, I can tell that he is tired. I am proud of my hubby for all his hard work!

It is now 10:30 p.m.--ultimately all that really means is that it is past my bedtime. And I am starting to feel it. When did my age catch up with me....and then pass me and leave me standing, squinting to watch it rapidly speed away? And will I ever catch up before the last lap??? HA! Probably not, I imagine I will hit a wall long before then, or blow all four tires. Oh well! At least I will have fun doing it! Hugs and Kisses to you family and friends. If you have any live chickens to sacrifice to Mother Nature on behalf of Spring I implore you to do so. Otherwise we'll all be buried under a mound of snow.