Sunday, March 16, 2008


Date: Sunday March 16th
Time: 8:49 pm
General Mood: ANNOYED

Apparently I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. I dislike people more than I usually do if that is at all possible. Wal-Mart today wasn't too terrible....if we're comparing it to say...being gored in the chest by an angry bull. People have no manners, they block the aisle with their three carts and their thirteen children, and when you look at them and smile and say excuse me, they stare back at you as if you have said something offensive. I managed to stay quiet and shop with the minions and not say anything that I would regret. That does not mean that I didn't think it.

At some point while shopping in Wal-Mart, we decided that it would be a good idea to have Pizza Hut for lunch. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Boy, were we wrong. Republic has what has to be the world's smallest Pizza Hut. Maximum Capacity is 23 1/2. There were probably 75 people crammed in the restaurant. Our second brilliant idea came when we decided to have the lunch buffet. Jeremy waited, literally, thirty minutes before they brought out a Pizza. People descended on the pizza (one poor ham and pineapple that had NO idea what it's fate was) as if they were vultures. By the time Jeremy elbowed his way to the buffet (which was approximately seven feet from our table) all that was left was a stray pineapple. The carnage was horrendous. We finally did get to eat, but I kid you not when I say that the entire time we were eating SOMEONE was standing over us. The Cash register line went right past our table. Pizza loving rednecks stood next to us, gawking, as if we were the main event at a tractor pull and they were the crazed spectators. I think I heard people placing bets on whether Jeremy would be able to finish his slice of pepperoni. I have never been so happy to leave a place in my entire life.

After that, we came home, drained, and took a nap. The rest of the day has been much better, but anytime I have to deal with the general "Public", it leaves me annoyed. I do NOT enjoy people. Thank God that tomorrow I can go back to work in my hole in the wall and enjoy the peace and quiet that it my job. I am going for twenty hours of OT this week. Wish me luck. Talk to you all soon. Love you!

5 hugs and kisses:

momndad said...

My, what a lovely Palm Sunday observance you enjoyed!

So, when I come on Tuesday shall we dine somewhere other than Pizza Hut? Say, somewhere near the Starbucks in the grocery store?

btw . . . I come bearing gifts!

Buffie said...

Juli, Juli, Juli. I have to say that not all Wal-Marts are like that. Although everyone at the Lake Saint Louis one are pricks (customers and employees). The next time you go somewhere and people look at you like you are from another planet (when you are being polite), tell them to move it or lose it. You'd be surprised how quickly they get out of your way. Plus, it keeps your stress level from getting dangerously high.

Buffie said...

Oh, I almost forgot. Jackson rolled over today. I wish he would slow down.

Anonymous said...

Hey all. This weather sticks! I am sorry about pizza hut---why are you still going to wal-mart? Anywho,I won't be posting for a long while, cause someone has your site info and likes to peep in....trying to find tid-bits of stuff I guess....good luck to that!
Buffie...hooray for Jackson's rolly-polly moment!

Juli said...

Should I give Steve a Big Ol WELCOME!!! I have nothing to hide Miss Sara, and neither do you!! Post away! Love you lots!