Ahem.....I have an announcement to make. Tomorrow is the first day of September...which means I can officially start my early annual celebration of Fall. Giggle with me, you know you are excited too. I've said it before, I will say it again, I love Autumn.
I love the crispness in the air, and I glory at the sight of leaves that set the tree lines ablaze with their shocks of red, orange and yellow. I love being able to break out my sweatshirts and jackets. I love apple cider, and Mums, and everything else that goes along with this amazing season.Of course, September ALSO means that a very special five year old will be turning SIX. Time flies so quickly, and I am always amazed at how big "my little peanut" has gotten. We haven't quite finalized plans for birthday celebrations for family yet, but we're going to the kiddy party on the afternoon of the 21st...I wasn't brave enough to try and corral children without my husband who has to work in the 19th and the 20th. So if you are family and would like to visit on one of THOSE days, then you're welcome...I am pretty sure I can handle YOU.
I will also be saying "Good-bye" to my best friend this month (sad sigh). She is packing up all her belongings and moving far away to Illinois to be with the love of her life. I can't say I blame her, I wouldn't want to be away from the love of my life either. I will miss her though, even though I will still talk to her EVERYDAY...but you know how it is, it just won't be the same. So everyone wish luck to Deanna....and donate boxes if you can :o)
And now, I am going to say goodbye to YOU...just for a little while. The sun is setting and my two favorite guys are outside playing, and I am anxious to be playing with them...I'm sure you understand. Much love to you all. And don't forget to get out there and start looking for signs of Autumn to enjoy, for after all, “Autumn is a second spring where every leaf is a flower."
Sunday, August 31, 2008
It's Baaaaaaack...almost
Posted by Juli at 8/31/2008 06:15:00 PM 4 hugs and kisses
Friday, August 22, 2008
Tanner's Puzzle
Posted by Juli at 8/22/2008 05:10:00 PM 1 hugs and kisses
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Our Favorite Student
I finally took the time to upload the pics from Tanner's first day of school. He has just finished his fifth day as a kindergarten student and is loving it! So far, I have nothing but great things to say about the school. In the mornings when I drop him off, he is greeted at the door by some overly cheerful teacher. During the day I can check in on their schedule online, so I know what is going on at that exact moment. Then at the end of the day, they walk Tanner out to the car and off we go. He is learning lots already. I am a very proud Mommy!!
Posted by Juli at 8/20/2008 04:41:00 PM 2 hugs and kisses
Sunday, August 10, 2008
I'm ready...sort of.

Every year, Miss Crystal hosts a back to school sleepover at her house for all the kids at the daycare center that are in Kindergarten and older. I think this year she had about twenty attend. She is a MUCH braver woman than I am. I dropped Tanner off last night and came home to a quiet evening alone. When I picked Tanner up this morning he was bursting with excitement about the things they had gotten to do. He really had a good time. Besides watching movies and having popcorn, the played on Miss Crystal's slip and slide and got to play in the hot tub and pool. They also took a little walk to the creek. Tanner's shoes were soaked and I had to dig them out from underneath 30 other shoes this morning. I was a bit jealous when I found out he got a soak in the hot tub...instead of a vacation next year, I may just go to Crystal's house. Right now, Tanner is taking a nap. I was informed that he was the last child to fall asleep...some time after midnight, and they were up this morning at 6:30. He's sleepy.
Tomorrow, the preschool is having Lil' Angels photography come in to do some pictures. They bring costumes for the kids, and they photograph them all dressed up! Some of the packages are really high, but we chose to buy one anyway. After all, we're not paying for childcare anymore (YAY)!!!!
Posted by Juli at 8/10/2008 03:02:00 PM 1 hugs and kisses
Friday, August 01, 2008
Next week I will remember to get a video of him batting and running the bases so you can share in my pride!
We had a much better week here at Casa de Bradshaw. Rocky was sick for a few days and we were pretty worried, but it turned out to be doggy flu and he has made a full recovery. Tanner also has a new dog named Scooby (guess who named him) who we rescued.
Scooby is a Golden Retriever/Australian Shepard mix. He is seven months old and potty trained, although he has had a couple of accidents in the house when I missed him prancing at the door. He is a 27 pound baby!!! We don't think he will get much bigger and have decided to keep him inside. I am too scared to send him out into the yard...I'm just paranoid. Scooby LOVES squeaky toys and Tanner loves throwing them to him. Truffles loves her new playmate, so everyone is happy. And speaking of Truffles...isn't she adorable?? I love her!
Posted by Juli at 8/01/2008 07:22:00 PM 1 hugs and kisses