Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Our Favorite Student

I finally took the time to upload the pics from Tanner's first day of school. He has just finished his fifth day as a kindergarten student and is loving it! So far, I have nothing but great things to say about the school. In the mornings when I drop him off, he is greeted at the door by some overly cheerful teacher. During the day I can check in on their schedule online, so I know what is going on at that exact moment. Then at the end of the day, they walk Tanner out to the car and off we go. He is learning lots already. I am a very proud Mommy!!

And here's a picture of Tanner and Scooby playing Tug-o-War...just for fun. It was supposed to be a video of Tanner batting...I really do have one, however, blogger is not cooperating. So I'll have to try again later.

2 hugs and kisses:

momndad said...

I am sure Tanner will be the 'star pupil' in the class!
What does Tanner want for his sixth birthday?
Inquiring "papas" want to know!

Buffie said...

So cute. I glad that he is enjoying school. I can't wait to show Sierra-Lynn.

Love the art work on the fridge.