Sunday, August 10, 2008

I'm ready...sort of.

Thursday is the big day!!! Tanner is very excited about starting Kindergarten. Mommy is excited too, but it's also mixed with the bitter-sweet knowledge that her baby is not a baby after all. We got an information packet two weeks ago giving us all the information we needed for the first day of school. His teacher's name is Mrs. Verch, and we're going to the open house tomorrow night to meet her. His buddy Tyler has a different teacher than he does...actually ALL the boys in his preschool class have different teachers, courtesy of Miss Crystal. Apparently, they give her a call when picking classes. I am thrilled that we have found such an excellent school district. I have heard nothing but great things about it. I just know that Tanner will continue to blossom this year. All of his school supplies have been purchased, along with his new school clothes. I bought the ingredients for Tanner's choice of dinner Thursday evening and chocolate chip cookies (which will be waiting for him on the table when he gets home Thursday afternoon). One night this week we're going to make the head of a "book worm" to put on his wall that will help us keep track of all the books he reads this year (for each book he reads we will attach a body segment). And last night he went to his first "Back to School" sleepover.

Every year, Miss Crystal hosts a back to school sleepover at her house for all the kids at the daycare center that are in Kindergarten and older. I think this year she had about twenty attend. She is a MUCH braver woman than I am. I dropped Tanner off last night and came home to a quiet evening alone. When I picked Tanner up this morning he was bursting with excitement about the things they had gotten to do. He really had a good time. Besides watching movies and having popcorn, the played on Miss Crystal's slip and slide and got to play in the hot tub and pool. They also took a little walk to the creek. Tanner's shoes were soaked and I had to dig them out from underneath 30 other shoes this morning. I was a bit jealous when I found out he got a soak in the hot tub...instead of a vacation next year, I may just go to Crystal's house. Right now, Tanner is taking a nap. I was informed that he was the last child to fall asleep...some time after midnight, and they were up this morning at 6:30. He's sleepy.

Tomorrow, the preschool is having Lil' Angels photography come in to do some pictures. They bring costumes for the kids, and they photograph them all dressed up! Some of the packages are really high, but we chose to buy one anyway. After all, we're not paying for childcare anymore (YAY)!!!!

1 hugs and kisses:

Buffie said...

I wish Tanner a fun filled year. Keep us posted on how he does.

We started Sierra-Lynn's first grade year on the second and she is loving it. Of course tomorrow I get to call the school find out who enrolled her in Kindergarten and unenroll her, should be fun.