Saturday, March 03, 2007

In Like a Lion

March is here!! THAT means Spring is almost here...and I L-O-V-E Spring time. But as the saying goes, March came in like a lion this year. At 4 am on March 1st, tornado sirens were wailing here in Springfield letting us know that severe weather season was back. Since I am the responsible one, I padded out of my warm comfortable bed (after having been jumped on by a terrified four year old) and into the living room to monitor the storm on the radio. An hour later, satisfied that we were completely out of harm's way, I crawled back into bed. I predict many more of those storms this spring. We'll see if my intuition is correct.

Last night was terrific! My beautiful friends Sara and Steve came to visit us for the evening. A year and a half is WAY too long to go without seeing your best-est buddy. I miss her already. I FINALLY got to meet Barron, whom I simply adore. I'd kiss his sweet little cheeks a million more times if I could. Tanner adores Steve and thinks he is the coolest guy ever...maybe even almost as cool as Daddy. I wish you all could have seen those three boys playing with the Nerf guns and rough housing. It was too funny. After Sara and Steve's departure today, we crashed hard. There is nothing quite as satisfying as a long afternoon nap. Especially when it is cloudy and cold outside.

Now, we are simply relaxing. Jeremy is watching some bull riding ( huge eye roll at my husband's redneck ways), and I am surfing the web, downloading some tunes and editing some photos. Outside, I can hear the March wind howling...but inside 404 East Morningside, it is calm and quiet and toasty warm.

2 hugs and kisses:

Anonymous said...

What good lookin boys we have! I just wanted to say that we really enjoyed our visit with you guys. Steve got the biggest kick out of Tanner. He even didn't mind it when he poored a creamer packet into his hair at Jade D. We laughed so hard trying to get it out on the way back to your house. I really didn't want to leave so soon, but I promise the next visit won't be so short. By the way we made back to KC by 4:15, with plenty of time to deliver Alex's (Axel)smock. A word of addvice to you Buffie darling....when you come to see Juli, do NOT stay at the Clarion hotel! Apparently there is NO pool and the bathroom, well. Ask Juli.

Anonymous said...

Tell Steve we read somewhere that Creamer makes the hair shiny...yeah...that's it! I guess Jeremy isn't TOO bad--at the very least he's entertaining. :)