Sunday, January 28, 2007

I am a Red-liner

Have you ever sat in church and realized that the minister was speaking directly to you??? Of course you have, we all have. Well today, I discovered that I, Juli Bradshaw, am a red-liner. Today's sermon was titled "Know When to Hold 'em, Know when to fold em." In summary, it was all about how red-liners (people who are in danger of taking on too much and are never able to enjoy the moment because they are always thinking about what could happen tomorrow or the next day) need to let go and realize that God's purpose for our life does not include being stressed out all the time, but to have a beautifully balanced life centered on Him.

It really spoke to me...especially since I am not doing so great a job at remembering my word for the year...FUN. It made me wonder how many moments I have missed because I was caught up in something stressful going on at work or home. How many times have I only half listened to Tanner or Jeremy because I was thinking about all the bills I had to enter or because I was still trying to figure out why a loan wouldn't reconcile? I don't know an exact number, but it's really too many. Well, enough is enough. I FOLD! Sometimes losing a hand, can be a good thing! Oh and for the record, the praise and worship team sang "The Gambler" as we were all leaving...I thought it was a nice touch.

5 hugs and kisses:

Anonymous said...

God first, family second, and carreer last. Always! I just watched the movie The Devil Wears Prada, this movie is the greatest example of too much work.
Juli you have to stand up for yourself and tell them that you have a family and that means more than your hours of over time. If you have to remind them that maybe they too would have happier marriages if they kept theirs in as high regard as you do.

Buffie said...

Ok, what church do you go to? And do they have an affiliate near St Louis? I need a church like that. All we have up here are churches where the preacher talks about his life (when he was a boy) and then puts on a concert with hymns that noone has ever heard.

Anonymous said...

It's called North Point church, it's non-denominational. When you're looking, look for something that offers a contemporary service. Or you could just move to Springfield and come to North Point

Anonymous said...

Well since Jules isn't updating...We have a new crib for Barron. He is doing very well with it, sleeping almost through the night with only a few feedings. Go to and check him out in his google glasses. He is so FUNny in them. We are having a FUN party tonight, girls and games upstairs and boys and poker downstairs. Lots of food and FUN! I recently discovered disposable cameras from our wedding and I am having FUN putting the photos in a book. Juli, what happend in your week? What FUN things did Tanner do? Come on update this thing, I live for makes smile. Guess I'll just keep coming to listen to your music so I can clean the basement.

Anonymous said...

SHEESH!!! Point taken oh wonderful loving friends and family. Look for my newest post later tonight. It will have NOTHING to do with Pedro!