Saturday, March 17, 2007

Can we keep him??

Today, we bought a Chihuahua. Technically, he is not ours. He is a birthday present for Jeremy's Grandma Erma. Of course there is a chance that tomorrow when we drive to Preston to deliver him that she rejects him and he returns home with us. But how can you reject this little cutie???

Jeremy decided he wanted to name him Rocky, because it looks like he has two black eyes. I suggested we call him Balboa, if that was the effect he was really after. Tanner said, "Let's name him Freddy!" Then I remembered he's not really ours to for tonight he is just "puppy". Kinda cute isn't he?? At nine weeks old, he weighs in at just over a pound, and he is a little spit fire. For the last hour or so, he's been growling at Daisy and the cats (if you can call it growling). It is TOO adorable.

As you can see, Tanner loves him already. We made sure to tell him up front that this was not OUR puppy...I'm not entirely sure he was listening. But for now we are all enjoying having him in our home. Tomorrow will be a sad day.

So for those of you I haven't told yet, Monday I have a job interview at 2:30. I wasn't really actively looking for a job, but I happened on this one and I think I would really enjoy it. So send lots of prayers my way. It is really past time for me to leave where I am, and this could be the start of a new chapter. I am putting it in God's hands though. And speaking of God, he wants me to be in church tomorrow and Shelly and I have decided to go to the EARLY service so Jeremy and I can get an earlier start to his grandparent's house, so I am signing off and heading for bed. Sweet Dreams.

3 hugs and kisses:

Anonymous said...

Are you sure that pups daddy isn't a raccon? None the less still very adorable. I want a dog! Maybe well get one for Barron on his birthday...he's already 7 months guys. Where has the time gone?

I really hope you get the new job! As Carrie underwood sings.."Jesus take the wheel." Do you ever do that? Just give up, and ask God to step in when you can't take it anymore. I know, Juli, that you have served your time with the Miller companies aka "hell" for long enough. You've got more than my prayers!

Buffie said...

The puppy is cute, but I have had that breed before and you couldn't pay me enough to have one again.

As for Sara's ? "where has the time gone" I would love to know, Sierra is 4 going on 16 and its seems like yesterday that she came home from the hospital for the first time.

Did you get the tape I sent you yet?

Anonymous said...

Not yet--maybe it will be in the mail when I get home! YEAH PRESENTS!!!! It's just like Christmas--but without the debt :)