Saturday, March 24, 2007

This Week or "Why I have been banned from Press Releases"

This last week was a very busy but wonderful week for me. There's just a lot going on both here at home and at work. Let's review...shall we?

Monday, I had an interview and assessment for a NEW JOB. It went really well and I was able to find out a lot about the company. It is appealing to me for many reasons...the biggest reason being that in as little as a year I could be telecommuting from my own home office (home office provided by the company). That means that when TW starts kindergarten, I will be able to do what I have ALWAYS wanted to do...which is be here the second he gets home.

Tuesday, I drove (like a woman possessed) to Mount Vernon to meet Dad for dinner. I love getting to spend time with my family, even if it is only for a meal...and Tanner LOVES to hang out with Papa. Those two are silly together and a lot of fun to watch. MY PARENTS SPOIL MY CHILD. He adores them.

Wednesday and Thursday were kind of quiet. Although Thursday I helped write my very first (and last) press release. This week we closed on the Howsmon's building in Joplin. Whenever we close on a project like that, we always issue a press release to the appropriate news media. Janet used to do that. But Janet left us--so Chyna and I tried to muddle through it. She did the majority of the work and used me as her word placement, grammar and pretty word person. You can read parts of this press release in today's issue of The Joplin Globe . You will not, however, read my BEST contribution to the piece. It got booted...and then I think I was banned from ever writing a press release again. Chyna needed a quote for the article from "Matt". We were kind of making jokes about it and she came up with "We are really cool and we think Joplin is really cool so it is a natural fit" I came up with "We think Joplin is off the heezey and we can't wait to rock this mother out." It was deemed unworthy for the press release. But you all know that MY quote is WAY better than what ended up in the paper. What can I say, my company has no sense of humor. Nazis!

Friday, I had a second interview with United Health Group. It was a phone interview, which I hate. But I took the time to prepare and again did well and have another interview scheduled for Wednesday evening at 6:00 pm. YIPPEE!!!

Today, Tanner and I are just chilling. He is building a castle with some blocks and playing with the puppies and I am...well blogging. Did you catch that??? I said "puppies". For those of you who haven't heard yet, we ended up keeping the chihuahua. Erma loved him! But Wayne could not be persuaded to keep him. Bummer--but somehow when Jeremy said "let's buy my Grandma a puppy", I knew this was going to happen. He is a cutie though, and when my boys look at me with their big blue eyes and they pout, I can't turn them down. And they BOTH do this frequently. I am such a sucker.

Tanner just informed me that he wants to play outside, so I am off to get dressed and have some fun in the sun with my favorite little guy. Check back later for pics of our day.

6 hugs and kisses:

Buffie said...

We all knew when you last posted that you were going to keep the puppy. So don't go blaming it on Jeremy and Tanner, you wanted it as much as they did.

I hope that you get the new job, being at home with your kid is the best, I couldn't imagine being at work and letting someone else be there for those once in a lifetime moments. I know that a lot of people have to. I probably should, but if I did go to work I wouldn't make enough for it to be worth it.

Anonymous said...

I think we're going with Rocky--it seems to fit him. Jeremy's been walking around calling him his Italian Stallion (EYE ROLL). We can ship him to you in a box if you want :)

Anonymous said...

Welcome all to the Bradshaw farm!! A place for 2 dogs, 3 cats, 1 hamster, and a boat load of gold fish named Fred. Honestly, you should consider getting a goat. You'll never have to mow again.

Anyway, I really hope that you get that job. You will love being at home for Tanner. Although, you may feel odd working at home when you don't have 20 or so idiots asking you to do a million things at once.

Anonymous said...

Steve and I just returned from Dallas, Tx. We had a week of fun at the zoo, an aquarium, and skidoo's at the lake. Barron really enjoyed the larger than life fish tanks. He stood against the glass and watched all the sea turtles and a giant manatee swim by him. He also enjoyed an under water tunnel where he leaned back to look a sting rays and sharks swim over our heads.

I am the anonymous..I hit enter before I could get my name on it.

Anonymous said...

Sara Beth--I Do NOT work with idiots--they are construction workers, and they can't help it. Ah who am I kidding, they're idiots. I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to work from home...better yet, I want to work from home in Webb City. Perhaps I will get both of my wishes

Anonymous said...

jules, go to my site. Check out Bear lookin at the animals