Thursday, May 31, 2007

Entry No. 120

We've been back to reality for a few days now after a fantastic Memorial Day weekend. It's always wonderful to spend some time with family and just relax. How surprised and blessed I was to see friends and family that I wasn't even expecting!! My only regret is that it didn't last as long as I would have liked. I wanted to just sit down tonight and share some pictures that my Dad took of our time together--his camera is WAY cooler than mine! I am MUCHO jealous. On a brighter note, he did say that if he gets the camera that he REALLY wants for his birthday, then I can have his. Please send donations to me by August.

Tanner is a ham with a microphone in his hand. I cannot imagine where he gets THAT from. Ok, actually, this is the only way that I can see that he takes after his Mommy. It was hysterical listening to him making up his own words to the music that was playing. According to my mother, I used to do the same thing when I was his age. According to my husband, I STILL do this...but what the heck does he know, I mean, Really???

A break in the rain meant we were outside with Tanner and his bubble blower, purchased by Nana and Papa. I have to say, it is very cool and I wouldn't mind having one for myself. Perhaps, if I am a very good girl this year, Santa will leave me one in my stocking. "Santa Baby, slip some bubbles under the tree for me." Yeah, I made that up...perhaps my husband knows more than I give him credit for. Oh, that hurts to admit.

My parents have the PERFECT hill at the side of their house. Had the ground not been wet, I might have found it the right time to show Tanner how to roll down it. Remember doing that as a child?? Remember doing that in high school, with your friends, during rehearsal for Oklahoma? Perhaps I have said too much? Even though the ground was wet, Tanner and Grandpa still had a blast running up the hill and down the hill, up the hill and down the hill, up the hill and down...well you get the picture.

Monday, we went to the Sedgwick County Zoo. According to their website they are the 18th largest zoo in the country. I love zoos and I particularly loved this one. The animals were very well cared for, and I felt like I was actually in their natural environment. I have a bazillion pictures that I could post from the day, but I picked a couple of my favorites for your viewing pleasure.

I adore the shot of the gorillas, Dad. AND I am kinda fond of the one with my boys in it as well. Thanks you guys for an awesome weekend and for helping us make memories that we will never forget. Tanner misses you...I miss you (Rocky misses April), and we can't wait to do it again soon.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Happy Anniversary

Jeremy, today we celebrate our anniversary. It has been five amazing years of love and laughter and sharing. What an adventure! Every year has just gotten better, and I am looking forward to the next five years, knowing they will be filled with just as much fun as the last have been. I love you.

Now enough of that mushy stuff! (Hey, he's not a mushy kinda guy!) So, we're super excited about our trip this weekend. It will be so nice to spend some time together...and we'll have plenty of car time! We are also really excited about our new house. Some of you may already know, but we signed the contract last week and our closing is the 8th of August. We've picked out all of our Interior and Exterior selections, we bought some new things for our bedroom, and let Tanner pick out new bathroom accessories. When we were out there last weekend I took some "before" pictures for you all to see what will be the new Bradshaw home, come this fall. Here it is for your viewing pleasure...414 Cherokee Path.

Here is a view from the street. It's on a corner lot...the largest on the street.

And this is a view of part of the living room. The large opening in the middle is where the fireplace is going to go. And now, we just need volunteers to come and move furniture with us...any takers???

Monday, May 14, 2007


Today I am twenty seven and a HALF years old. Tee hee. This is something my brother and I used to make a HUGE deal of. We thought it was VERY cool that my half birthday is a day before his birthday and that his half birthday is a day after my birthday. I was thinking about the best time to call him tomorrow and the memory just popped into my head. I will accept love in lieu of presents...gracious aren't I.

So seriously, my baby brother will be twenty six tomorrow. I love him lots. This is the boy that I have protected vehemently since I was a very little girl. You mess with Hondo, you're messing with me! I really, truly once beat the snot out of a kid with a jump rope in my brother's honor. I would do it again.

My brother is cooler than I am. He goes by T-Shock, or The Shock and actually gets away with it, he still calls me "p". He is funny and sweet and he likes the color orange. Wish him well on his birthday, for he deserves the best!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

A Wonderful Mother

God made a wonderful mother.

A Mother who never grows old;

He made her smile of the sunshine,

And he molded her heart of pure gold;

In her eyes he placed bright shining stars,

In her cheeks, fair roses you see;

God made a wonderful mother,

And he gave that dear mother to me.

Pat O'Reilly

A very Happy Mother's day wish goes out to all the wonderful mothers I know. To my own beautiful mother...I love you, I admire you, I thank God everyday that you are who you are. You are my inspiration and my best friend. I see so much of you in me, and I couldn't be more proud. I only hope that I can be half the woman you are and that I can raise my children the way you and Dad raised Hondo and me. I wish that I could be with you this weekend as planned, but I will see you very soon.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Happy Cinco de Mayo

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Wanna Be a Balla

Tanner and I played some basketball in the backyard last week. He's WAY better than I am. I decided to just showcase his skills in this one wants to see Mommy missing baskets, right??

Buenos Thursday

The following is an actual letter written by an actual person to an actual editor. I hope this woman isn't raising one of our country's future leaders. Heaven help us if she is.

I am currently uploading a video on you tube that I hope to post later...if it doesn't take until tomorrow!! Our computer is soooo slow. For now I will leave you with a picture of my boys (ALL of them) lounging on the couch and taking in some Basketball (I can't WAIT until it's OVER for the season).