We've been back to reality for a few days now after a fantastic Memorial Day weekend. It's always wonderful to spend some time with family and just relax. How surprised and blessed I was to see friends and family that I wasn't even expecting!! My only regret is that it didn't last as long as I would have liked. I wanted to just sit down tonight and share some pictures that my Dad took of our time together--his camera is WAY cooler than mine! I am MUCHO jealous. On a brighter note, he did say that if he gets the camera that he REALLY wants for his birthday, then I can have his. Please send donations to me by August.

My parents have the PERFECT hill at the side of their house. Had the ground not been wet, I might have found it the right time to show Tanner how to roll down it. Remember doing that as a child?? Remember doing that in high school, with your friends, during rehearsal for Oklahoma? Perhaps I have said too much? Even though the ground was wet, Tanner and Grandpa still had a blast running up the hill and down the hill, up the hill and down the hill, up the hill and down...well you get the picture.
Monday, we went to the Sedgwick County Zoo. According to their website they are the 18th largest zoo in the country. I love zoos and I particularly loved this one. The animals were very well cared for, and I felt like I was actually in their natural environment. I have a bazillion pictures that I could post from the day, but I picked a couple of my favorites for your viewing pleasure.