Friday, May 25, 2007

Happy Anniversary

Jeremy, today we celebrate our anniversary. It has been five amazing years of love and laughter and sharing. What an adventure! Every year has just gotten better, and I am looking forward to the next five years, knowing they will be filled with just as much fun as the last have been. I love you.

Now enough of that mushy stuff! (Hey, he's not a mushy kinda guy!) So, we're super excited about our trip this weekend. It will be so nice to spend some time together...and we'll have plenty of car time! We are also really excited about our new house. Some of you may already know, but we signed the contract last week and our closing is the 8th of August. We've picked out all of our Interior and Exterior selections, we bought some new things for our bedroom, and let Tanner pick out new bathroom accessories. When we were out there last weekend I took some "before" pictures for you all to see what will be the new Bradshaw home, come this fall. Here it is for your viewing pleasure...414 Cherokee Path.

Here is a view from the street. It's on a corner lot...the largest on the street.

And this is a view of part of the living room. The large opening in the middle is where the fireplace is going to go. And now, we just need volunteers to come and move furniture with us...any takers???

3 hugs and kisses:

Buffie said...

I would like to start by saying Happy Anniversary. I wish you much more than 5 more years together. I wish you 75 (or more) years together.

The house looks good, though a little wood looking. I'm game to help you move funiture, although Mark may have a problem with that. By then I'll be around 6 months along, so I don't think he'll let me, but I won't let that stop me. ;)

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha! My Dad said that he was concerned that the roof might leak a little. Aren't you both hams! You don't have to move furniture--you can supervise...I, myself, will be putting stuff away--it's just how I roll.

Buffie said...

I try to be.;)

What if I don't want to supervise? I like to move stuff. Just ask Mark. When I was pregnant with Sierra I was forever moving our bedroom around. I would put the furniture on my head and walk it to where I wanted it. He would get so mad. LOL