Monday, May 14, 2007


Today I am twenty seven and a HALF years old. Tee hee. This is something my brother and I used to make a HUGE deal of. We thought it was VERY cool that my half birthday is a day before his birthday and that his half birthday is a day after my birthday. I was thinking about the best time to call him tomorrow and the memory just popped into my head. I will accept love in lieu of presents...gracious aren't I.

So seriously, my baby brother will be twenty six tomorrow. I love him lots. This is the boy that I have protected vehemently since I was a very little girl. You mess with Hondo, you're messing with me! I really, truly once beat the snot out of a kid with a jump rope in my brother's honor. I would do it again.

My brother is cooler than I am. He goes by T-Shock, or The Shock and actually gets away with it, he still calls me "p". He is funny and sweet and he likes the color orange. Wish him well on his birthday, for he deserves the best!

6 hugs and kisses:

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday HONDO!!! I like being 26, its one of those maturing ages.

You know Jules, I love how you challenge me. Every day that I have known you, you have used a word I don't know. "Vehemently," was it? I should know by now to carry a dictionary when I am around you. Thus, you challenge me. Ta-dah.

Anonymous said...

Funny, Jeremy says the same thing. I like big and pretty words--it's the geek in me :)

momndad said...

Perhaps you should take elocution lessons?

Anonymous said...

Who Me??? No thanks--I like big pretty words, but no public speaking--I get a little apprehensive.

Buffie said...

Please Tell Honda that Buffie says happy birthday. If he really loves the color orange, the place to go is Knoxville, TN. They have so much orange, it will make him hate it (or stay forever). ;)

Also (emailed this to you and it's in my blog, but) Mark and I are going to have a baby.

momndad said...

This weekend I get to spend time with the world's greatest grandson.
I think I will tell him the story of back in the day when his mommy used to have a blog.