Sunday, May 25, 2008

Today on our Anniversary...

I just want to tell you, Jeremy, that...

Every day has been a wonderful adventure. I can not guess what tomorrow will bring, but I know that with you by my side, I can accomplish anything. Happy Anniversary, honey. I know this year will be as wonderful for us as the last six have been. I love you!!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Roaming Blog: Vacation Edition

Hello Vacation...I have missed you. I am so glad you could come and stay for awhile.

The Bradshaw's are on vacation!!! We deserve it, really. Today was lovely, although I didn't get to sleep in as long as I would have liked to. Tanner still had to go to preschool (he gets to stay home on Friday), and Jeremy and I got to spend the day enjoying each others company. That NEVER happens. We sat outside in the sun, relaxing. We drove up to a local Nursery and walked around their greenhouses looking at flowers and enjoying the beauty that surrounded us. Funny how I never appreciated that when my parents used to drag us through greenhouse after greenhouse. I wanted every plant I saw. I got a couple of tomato plants that already have tomatoes on them!!! AND they fit in a pot so I didn't have to plant them in the yard. I told the lady that I thought I might not be "horticulturally gifted". She laughed and suggested these bush like tomato plants. We'll see how I do and go from there.

We went to Walmart this afternoon after picking Tanner up at school. I don't know that we will be allowed back in. How sad would my life be if I couldn't go to WALMART?? It all started with those stupid 50 cent toy machines in the entrance. Tanner HAD to have a toy and picked the mini glo-sticks. I blame my Mom for his love of glo-sticks. She introduced them to him. Anyway, this is the world's smallest glo-stick. TINY. Jeremy immediately became the husband that no woman wants to take out in public...ever. In his best announcers voice he began telling everyone about the "Multi-purpose with even glow-ier technology." I kid you not. I wouldn't lie about that. Ok, I laughed a little bit. But people looked at him oddly, and it WAS a little embarrassing. And of course, the goofy apple doesn't fall far from the goofier tree, so Tanner also introduced most of the Walmart shoppers to HIS best announcer voice. Yeah, they're weird, but I love them.

We are in the middle of deciding what to do about Tanner's preschool. For the last week, they have done absolutely no work and have been outside all day, everyday. He comes home covered from head to toe in dirt. Today I ruffled his hair, and there was a dust cloud!!! Seriously. I have no problems with the kids getting ample time to play, but I also have him there to learn...and he's not. I am not sure that I want to pay 90 dollars a week for a babysitter. Today, I suggested to Jeremy that we give his two weeks notice. In June, he has his Pre-K summer school for half of the day Monday-Thursday. I can handle working and him for half a day and Fridays. For July and part of August we are talking about hiring a babysitter who can watch him here at our house and supervise his play time while I am working. Most of you know that I have not ever really been thrilled with the preschool that he attends here. And lately, I am even less satisfied with it. I just have certain expectations...and they do not meet them.

I have promised Jeremy some computer time, so I am going to hand him the computer and head for bed. I hope you all are enjoying your week. I plan on getting another blog in before I have to head back to work. We're planning a picnic at the park later this look for pictures!! Hey...David Cook is the new American Idol!!! Thank you America, for not disappointing me :)

Friday, May 16, 2008

The rest of the pics I promised

Meet Chloe. Chloe is the puppy that we got for an OUTSIDE dog. Please note that she is in my kitchen. I love her, but she is BIG and clumsy and she EATS EVERYTHING. She lays by the front door a lot. I think she likes the way the tile feels on her tummy. Apparently while laying there one day she got bored and chewed on the wall...she took the paint off the drywall. Easy repair, but that's not really the point. We are buying her pen next week, and she is being shipped to the back yard where she belongs.

Doesn't she look much happier frolicking in the grass anyway?? I have to say that she is a very smart dog. She caught on to Fetch pretty quickly. She LOVES Tanner. I don't know that he loves her right now. He brought in one of his stuffed animals that sits on his toy box and showed me a small hole on its chest. He very seriously said, "Chloe ate his heart! She's a bad puppy!"

Tanner got this gi-normous bubble wand thinga-ma-jig to play with (I think that might actually be the name that was printed on the package). As with most of his toys, he played with it for about two minutes. Do all little kids get bored that easily, or is it just mine???

Since Tanner wasn't playing with it anymore, guess who decided to take it for a spin? I really truly believe that 98% of the toys that "Tanner" picks out, aren't really JUST for him. It should also be said that Jeremy played with this toy for approximately two minutes before he got bored. So maybe it's a guy thing??

We have a pretty large yard. The largest I have seen in the subdivision so far. And on a GOOD day it takes Jeremy a few hours to mow it. When Tanner is hanging on the back of his shirt the ENTIRE time, it takes a bit longer. I didn't mind, I'm not the one mowing, and it makes for a cute picture.

We FINALLY got Tanner's swing set up. It's been in the garage since September. He loves it, and Mommy is already terrified of his amazing dare-devil stunts. He's a bit like a spider monkey on the thing, climbing and jumping, and hanging upside down. I TRY really hard to bite my tongue and just let him be a boy. It's soooo hard sometimes. I honestly have no idea how my mom even let Hondo out of the house without some sort of tracking device and a private duty nurse. I know, I know...I need to relax. Easier said than done.

Next week, beginning on Wednesday, I start my much needed vacation. Jeremy's starts tomorrow--he gets two or three more weeks a year than I do. It's crazy how much time off he has this year. We don't really have any plans. We're just going to take it one day at a time and stay close to home. We may let Tanner skip school one day and take a trip to the zoo. I wouldn't mind spending some alone time out in the sun with a good book. Jeremy and I have also talked about visiting the Skinny Improv, in Springfield. I love a good improv set and think it would be a lot of fun. Mostly, I just want to relax and unwind a little bit. I am going to shut the office door and spend time with my boys. I can't wait!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Just some pics to keep you coming back:

No thoughtful post today. I left my creativity in my other pants. I thought you might like to view some new pics, though, since I haven't posted any in about fifteen years.

This is the Infamous Caterpillar bucket that my little bug hunting explorer has been carrying around every time we are outside. Our yard is CRAWLING with caterpillars. Is it weird that I think they are kind of creepy??

No that is NOT Tanner's soda. I would never give my child 64 oz of sugar. It's Jeremy's...and it's diet. And I have NO idea what is underneath Tanner's shirt.

I actually have more pictures AND a video, but Blogger is suddenly being very those will have to wait until tomorrow. Enjoy these and maybe next time, I will actually have news or other fun things to share.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

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To My Mom:

Through the years, we have been through so many wonderful and humorous adventures together. We have laughed together, cried together, and enjoyed life together. You have been there for me every single time I have needed you in one way or another. You have shaped my life like no one else, and made me want to be a better woman. Because of you, I am a woman who is proud of what she has become. You gave me the strength to stand up for what I believe in, and to rise above any challenges that come my way, a trait that I know was given to you by another strong and beautiful woman. In a million years, I could never begin to repay all the love and support that you have given me. Just know that I love you, I appreciate you, and even though you are miles away, you are on my mind today!!

Tanner also says, "Happy Mother's Day, Nana!"

Thursday, May 08, 2008

The Roaming Blog: Late Night Edition

It's May. Flowers are blooming, the days are finally warmer, and I am much too busy to enjoy any of it. May is one of those crazy months in which I feel overwhelmed knowing that yet another important day is right around the corner. This month we have Mother's Day (I still have not purchased a card for my own wonderful Mother), my brother's birthday, my mother's birthday, various graduation ceremonies of family members, weddings of friends, and then my own wedding anniversary, and Memorial Day. This year, I thought it would be fun to throw in Tanner's Pre-K summer school. Why not, it's just one more thing to remember. I have to say, I am ready for June to be here. I look at my list of things to do, and places to go and I get tired. YOU are probably tired from reading the list too! I decided that I should probably just take it one day at a time. Please forgive me should I forget or delay a birthday, or a graduation card. It is not intentional.

Things I am loving right now:
1. My new Cucumber Melon shampoo and conditioner (shhhh don't tell Jeremy, I don't think he has noticed the extra bottles yet)

2. The new Sierra Mist Undercover Commercial featuring the Rock (who will play Agent 23 in the movie I can't wait to see YUMMY!)

3. THESE yummy AND healthy treats

4. And last but not least, YOU, oh wonderful blog readers.

Things that are annoying me to no end:
1. HIS existence (I never said I was nice)

2. HER existence (at least they are both FINALLY gone!)

3. And most of all, the fact that I need a pedicure in a bad bad way...I want pretty toes.

The last week has been rough on yours truly. Last week, I began taking the Metformin my doctor prescribed me. That's the one that will control my insulin. Oh people! I would not wish the side effects on my worst enemy. Food has not been my friend. Everything I eat turns against me. I thought at first that I would take the advice of some people that have been on the medication for awhile and not eat very many carbohydrates. It didn't work. I then decided that maybe my body was rebelling because I was depriving it of foods that it is used to. Nope, not so. It's EVERYTHING....even water. Tomorrow, I am supposed to transition to taking TWO of these devil pills each day. Laugh with me. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I am going to wait until Saturday to attempt that. Then, if it doesn't go well, I won't be working, and Tanner will take care of me. Right?? Maybe Mom should pack a bag and head this way...just in case.

It's 11:40. Jeremy is watching NBA basketball (I hate March -June), and I am falling asleep as I type this. So it's off to beddy-bye for me. Good night to all you people that are crazy enough to still be awake. I will talk at you again soon!